Hey, PDAF: We are never, ever, ever getting back together

Dear PDAF,

Usually these letters start off by saying it’s not you, it’s me. And maybe if I was in a more forgiving mood, I might say the same. In this case, sorry but it really is you. It’s time for a change. It’s been a long time coming, long overdue actually. You and I know both know it’s true. We’ve been moving towards this breakup, the writing has been on the wall, for years. Friends, family, and concerned citizens have been saying it’s time for change for decades. Recent events just proved it. And then the Supreme Court stepped in to put an end to our star crossed love affair, with finality.

While we do owe the Supreme Court a debt of gratitude and heartfelt thanks, let’s be honest, this was inevitable. What they did was speed up the process. That being said, thanks to them we’re never getting back together, not like we have in the past. Before, you’d come crawling back; a different name, with new branding, and I’d think, “This time it’s different! This time we have a chance to make it work!” And each time I’d be left heartbroken. CDF, PDAF, whatever. It always ended the same. You with your friends, and whatever shiny new car, house, or island you’d illicitly acquired. Me holding the bill.

But I have to confess something: We had you investigated. I know I know, but really what choice did you leave me? We know what you’ve been up to. And we have pictures. They’re not pretty. Could you have at least been a little more...circumspect? Discerning? A little discretion would have been great with your...partners. But no, I don’t think that was in your nature. You weren’t just a discretionary lump sum allocation, you were an indiscreet lump sum allocation.

This is usually the point where we’d say it’s time for us to see other people, but from what I’ve heard, that wasn’t a problem for you at all. We won’t hold it against you, even though your tastes were exotic. At best we can say you didn’t discriminate. Young or old, sexy or not, smart or...well not so smart. It seems all took advantage of your indiscreet nature. So, I have to warn you and your ‘friends’: This is only the beginning. Forgiveness is not forthcoming. The Supreme Court agrees, it’s time to bring all your extracurricular activities to light. The only way for me to change is to find out exactly what you were up to all these years. So warn your partners-in-crime, we’re coming for them, too. Forgiveness will come eventually, maybe after a bit of prosecution and some more tears. A little begging for forgiveness by them wouldn’t hurt either.

The good times

But, I also remember the good times we had. When we worked side by side with elected officials to help others. We built schools and roads, provided medical assistance and scholarships to those in need. We uplifted Filipinos and tangibly, measurably improved lives. Isn’t that why we got together in the first place? To help people? Not to help certain people help themselves. It never should have been that.

Now that I think about it, it was never really about you was it? It was about the idea of you. The idea of helping people in undeveloped places around the country. Of uplifting the under-served and creating equality. Of using the vast resources at the disposal of the national government to target needs in localities around the country. I’m going to be honest, some people have forgotten that. They’re so angry at you, that they’ve forgotten why you came around in the first place. But that’s OK too, I haven’t forgotten. It’s time to grow up, to remember that a little discretion and honesty isn’t a bad thing, and get down to the business of changing the country for the better.

This is what we’re gonna do. You and your partners are going to face the music. We’re going to take the best ideas and best practices available and begin working to improve governance in the country. Elected officials who used to rely on you to make their jobs easier are going to buckle down and begin working hard on the yearly national budget and any additional bills the country needs to improve. And civil society? Some will still march, some will still complain, some will see ideology not humanity, some will keenly feel the loss of funds. But almost all will, in their own ways, work to make this country great.

So good bye, PDAF, and good luck. Don’t take it too personally, you always knew this was coming.

Yours truly,

The Filipino People

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