Best of the week: Indonesia's 'Eat Bulaga', MMDA's revenge, and the world's #1 holiday destination

TV show of the week: ‘Eat Bulaga’ Indonesia

MANILA, Philippines - Popular noontime show Eat Bulaga was recently franchised by Indonesia, in an attempt perhaps to increase Vic Sotto’s market for the ladies. The Indonesian version is eerily similar to the Eat Bulaga we are familiar with — in fact, the host is also called Boss and the theme song sounds exactly the same. There are even games like Indonesia Pintar (a translated Pinoy Henyo). Here’s a suggestion: Let’s have Filipino contestants fly out to Indonesia to join Indonesia Pintar. The catch? They must guess words in Bahasa Indonesia. Because asking “Nakakain ba to?” over and over again is much more fun in a foreign language.

Destination of the week: Ariara Island, Palawan

Another one of our beaches has made it to a list top of the best holiday destinations, and we’re glad to report it’s not Boracay. This time, it’s the Ariara Island in Palawan that takes the spotlight after it was named as the number one holiday destination by Vogue UK. That’s right: Vogue UK says that Palawan is more beautiful than Santorini, Maui, Bali, and the Great Barrier Reef. Our very own Palawan — so, mine, baby, mine!

Que horror of the week:  No expiry load

The National Telecommunications Commission is looking into canceling the expiration for prepaid credit. We’re sure this will only lead to an increase in the amount of “gud mownin phoez”and “gawa u” messages that get sent, but perhaps this is a good move. Think of family emergencies — like spotted crushes and surprise sales. More importantly, we hope these will finally curb the “loadan mo ko ng 150 may sasabihin ako sayong secret” text scams because reaaaaally, too many people fall for that.

Punisher of the week: @MMDA

MMDA’s official Twitter account is planning to do a crackdown on its haters who post offensive comments, personal attacks, and irrelevant messages. The MMDA account is one of the most useful on Twitter, which personally and efficiently replies to queries regarding flood and traffic, so blocking out users who ask you to like links will probably decongest their mentions timeline (we wish they could do the same for the worsening situation in EDSA). Now, what punishment shall the MMDA hand to you haters? They shall cast you to hell, where you’ll spend the rest of eternity driving down EDSA in the middle of a flood, at rush hour. (That, or you could “tip” them P20 and it’ll be like nothing happened.)

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