Keep WOW Philippines alive!

MANILA, Philippines - In the aftermath of the tragedy, it will be more than the hostages lives that will be taken. Thousands of international tourists have already cancelled their trips to the Philippines. This is not just some vain concern. There are regions and villages that are entirely dependent on tourism to put food on the table and send their children to school.

 What happened at Luneta is despicable. Luneta itself is ridden with crime, but even this incident is an extreme exception more than it is a norm. There is a need for an upheaval in the system, yes. And we should demand for that change.

 At the same time, there is a little something we could do to make change, and a little brighter future for our country.

 I was based in Jakarta when the bomb went off in Bali in 2002. I have seen Kuta, Bali entirely deserted of tourists when I visited later that year. I have also seen how it was locals and other Asians who helped bring Bali back to life. It took a few years, but Bali got back on track.

 I call for Filipinos to do the same by travelling locally. This is the time to help our country and kababayans out by exploring the beauty of our own shores. There is so much to discover in this country, and the antics of one madman and the ineptness of our police should not destroy our local treasures and heritage. While the rest of the world is scared to visit, it will be the courage and love for our own that will bring them back.

 It’s just one little thing that will be a big help to so many others. Pass the thought on.

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