Philippine Volcanoes coach Expo Mejia finds real-life inspiration in books

You might be surprised to learn that Volcanoes coach Expo Mejia enjoys a wide variety of reading material. Then again, Expo Mejia is no ordinary coach. Consider this background: he was a high school teacher of mathematics for 10 years before he started coaching rugby; and he has coached in Australia and Japan before heading the Philippine rugby team popularly known as the Volcanoes. I asked Expo to share some of his all-time favorite books.

1. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. “First book I read cover to cover nonstop as a kid. My imagination went wild.”

2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. “Best book I studied at school, superbly written, deep issues.”

3. LongWalk to Freedom: An Autobiography  byNelson Mandela. “Inspirational. What one man can endure and achieve in one lifetime.”

4. Man in the Mirror, autobiography by Wayne Bennett. “Greatest coach of my era. Tough but fair.”

5. Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. “So simple but so true, profound spirituality.”

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The Reading Club recommends Marites Allen’s Horoscope Forecast Year of the Water Snake 2013 available in World of Feng Shui shops.

Also recommended: A Second Wind by Philippe Pozzo di Borgio available in all National Book Stores.

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