Hayden Kho loves reading books on strategy, power and self-help

Hayden Kho Jr. is a celebrity all alone in his league.

After a meaningful career as a doctor at the Belo Medical Group, Hayden successfully went on to establish himself as a businessman (Hayden Scents is now being distributed by the Ever Bilena Group) and a marketing expert.

He is now busy being the operations director of ZO Skin Health and Medical Systems Philippines, the new progressive line of skin care products and treatments from Dr. Zein Obagi.

Hayden has also signed a multi-movie contract under Regal Films.

When he is not busy, Hayden spends time devouring his favorite books.

Here is his top 10 all-time favorite books:

1. Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. This is a layman version of the controversial book A Course in Miracles, which is regarded by some religious devotees as “The New-er Testament.” The book is about the achievement of joy and peace through forgiveness. Although I have graduated from this book and have started on the actual Course in Miracles (it’s as thick as the Bible, by the way), I highly recommend this book.

2. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The first book I’ve ever read from cover to cover, and have read more than 10 times in my entire life. The book is about loneliness, friendship, love and loss; but its meaning to me always changes every time I read it.

3. Art of War by Sun Tzu. I first read this when I joined a fraternity, then realized later I can apply it more in business than in an octagon.

4. The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo. A self-help book disguised as fiction about finding one’s destiny. It’s also a mine of wonderful and inspiring quotes. For example, “When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true” —  and this I have found to be very true in my life.

5. Thick Face, Black Heart by Chin-ning Chu. Another strategy book for “warriors,” applicable in all aspects of your life like work, relationships, ego-boost, spirituality.

6. It’s Not About the Money by Brent Kessel. An enlightened view of our relationship with money. You can use this to diagnose your money archetype and give you a fresh approach to personal finance. Definitely a must-read!

7. Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman. Not for starters. This one is about man’s relationship with time and thus spirituality. This is a good book to give as a present, but make sure the receiver has a pretty decent IQ.

8. The Spontaneous Fulfilment of Desires by Deepak Chopra. The book builds on The Alchemist’s  “universe will conspire” theory. This self-help book organizes your desires into several categories and teaches you how to meditate and pray towards achieving each one of them.

9. How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci by Michael Gelb. This is the book that started me on my personal self-improvement curriculum and gave me the framework by which I can proceed. From the seven principles, my favorite is “Sfumato”: A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty. In fact I made a photo essay about it which you can find on YouTube if you search “Inner Vision by Hayden Kho.”

10. 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. Not that I’m obsessed with power; what I learn from this book just helps me shield myself from the bullies.

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The Reading Club recommends A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif available in all National Bookstores and Powerbooks branches.

Wired is a great magazine to keep you up to date in today’s tech-obssessed world. Available from Emerald Headway.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at gr.rodis@yahoo.com. Please follow @sowbizmanila on twitter and instagram.

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