What are the books that made a difference in your life?

It was his books that kept my dad, Alberto G. Romulo, company during the years he was growing up. His love for reading took him to places he had never been to before, and gave him the knowledge that has brought him to where he is today.  My dad always encouraged us to read and read because books can make a big difference in our lives.  So this week, we asked a number of people which books have had an effect on them or made a lasting difference in their development. Here’s what they said.

GLORIA DIAZ, endorser, Beverly Hills 6750, I like the book Thick Black Heart because it gives one pointers on how to develop inner strength and how to overcome weaknesses in order to achieve goals.  

ISABELLE DAZA, endorser, Beverly Hills 6750, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. It gave me a new perspective on life in Afghanistan. It also has timeless lessons on family and relationships.

HOUSE SPEAKER PROSPERO C. NOGRALES, Since I’ve been elected as Speaker of the House I haven’t had the time to read books except for law books and congressional reports. The only ones I can remember reading were Atlas Shrugged, The Betsy, The Godfather and The Kennedys.

CONEY REYES, actress/producer/co-host of 700 Club, There are numerous books that have made a difference in my life for different reasons and different seasons. Among them are This Present Darkness by Frank Perretti, My Utmost Highest by Oswald Chambers, Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman, The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren, It’s Not About Me by Max Lucado, The Power of a Praying Woman/Parent by Stormie Omartian, The Promise No One Wants by Joey Bonifacio, Loyalty by Bob Sorge, Woman Encouraging Women by Lucibel Van Atta, My Best Life Now and Become A Better You both by Joel Osteen, Powerful Promises for Every Woman and A Woman After God’s Own Heart, both by Elizabeth George. 

Books by Derek Prince on fasting and finances have helped me a great deal too. And last, but certainly not least, the Bible. The word of God is my daily source of hope, life, blessings, encouragement and direction. It is one book that has made the ultimate difference in my life!

SARAH GERONIMO, actress/singer:

1. The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren. It made me realize that I am here to inspire people through my music and how I live my life.

2. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. It taught me to value my life and make the most out of it.

3. The Alchemist by Paul Coelho. This served as my inspiration to be persistent and courageous in reaching my dreams.

DEAN ERNEST MACEDA, PLM executive VP and Dean of the College of Law, In my line of work, oftentimes the toughest decision to make is simply to do what is right. When faced with adversity and doubt, especially in matters of first impression, you could always use help to find your path. I have learned from the heroic examples of statesmen and commoners whose strength and integrity have inspired me. As Longfellow said, “The lives of great men all remind us…” I am grateful for the biographies of Churchill, Holmes, the Thermopylae Spartans, Rizal, Bonifacio, Tokugawa, Mandela, Lincoln, Ghandi, Helen Keller, Muhammad Ali, and Sidney Poitier.

JOANNA PRESYLER FRANCISCO, co-owner, Tint & Carbon, The Bible. It is applicable to all situations and circumstances we are faced with even today. There are times when I just randomly open it to any page, and it is surprisingly relevant to where I am in my life. I feel like it is God’s letter to all of us, a cornerstone to live by. I read it for encouragement, and to set me on the right track when I need guidance and enlightenment.

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