What’s your favorite Grace Kelly movie?

Before the month ends we will be welcoming Princess Caroline of Monaco to the Philippines. Princess Caroline will check on the children and homes of Virlanie Foundation which was founded by her late mother, Princess Grace Kelly. Virlanie has homes for abandoned and neglected children, for those with a history of drug abuse, for the mentally challenged and for girls with a history of involvement in prostitution. Princess Caroline has magnanimously agreed to co-host a fund-raising dinner on Oct. 25 for the benefit of the children at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel. The visit of Princess Caroline of Monaco brings back memories of her mother Princess Grace and her movie career. Read on as some personalities share with us their favorite Grace Kelly movie.

MARIETTA SANTOS, co-founder, Philippine American medical mission
: My favorite is Mogambo with Grace Kelly, Clark Gable and Ava Gardner. It was about a love triangle. The movie was filmed in exotic Africa. There was a rumor of a real-life romance between Grace Kelly and Clark Gable. Of course, Grace Kelly ended up in the arms of Prince Rainier. And I cannot forget that fairy tale wedding in Monaco.

GERRY CONTRERAS, interior designer and architect
: I have always been a fan of Grace Kelly. I have seen many movies but I like her the most in The Swan where she played the role of the princess. She probably never imagined that she would be a real princess someday.

JOSINE ELIZALDE, founder, New Beginnings
: I like the movie Rear Window where Grace Kelly plays the girlfriend of James Stewart who is wheelchair bound. Stewart saw a murder being committed in their neighbor’s apartment. I don’t remember much the twist of this Hitchcock film but I do remember Grace Kelly’s icy beauty.

MARY H. PRIETO, STAR columnist and etiquette guru
: I remember her in High Society and Country Girl. Grace Kelly was such a versatile actress. Kelly played a light role in High Society and played a very strong character in Country Girl.

MARILOU ARROYO, grandmother
: Country Girl was the movie which won for Grace Kelly an Oscar. I recall Grace Kelly as the de-glamorized wife of Bing Crosby who played an alcoholic. I remember seeing this dramatic film in the old Avenue Theater in downtown Manila. It’s her style, elegance and beauty inside and out that I admire the most.

PINKY DEL ROSARIO ZELLER, wife of a diplomat
: To Catch a Thief, 1955 Alfred Hitchcock film starring Grace Kelly and Cary Grant. This is probably Hitchcocks’ most beautiful movie – shot in Grace Kelly’s future home, the French Riviera in the hills around Monaco. She is beautifully outfitted by Edith Head, showing her exquisite arms and shoulders, accentuating her beautiful face, and her elegant neck and jaw line. The film is imbued with shared guilt and romantic ambivalence. Cary Grant is a retired reformed jewel thief known as The Cat. Grace Kelly and her mother, noveau rich oil millionaires enter the scene. Kelly fears they will be Grant’s next victims. Grant is looking for the real thief to prove his innocence. Kelly is used to having men courting her but Grant seems uninterested, this excites her and she goes after him.

This romantic comedy in a beautiful setting is truly refreshing.

Definitely, High Society, the musical remake of Philadelphia Story. The song from the movie True Love by Cole Porter is one of my favorites. I remember the magical chemistry among the three stars — Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra.

INNO SOTTO, fashion designer
: I remember Grace Kelly in High Society with Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby. That film is at the top of my list of Grace Kelly films. I liked the lightness of the whole movie. The costumes were beautiful and the art direction was good.

: The elegant setting of the movie To Catch a Thief complements the glamor and the timeless beauty of Grace Kelly. What makes it even more special is that Grace Kelly became the Princess of Monaco which is a stone’s throw away from the French Riviera where the movie was made, making the film a true classic.

MELY HECHANOVA, civic-minded lady
: I have always liked Grace Kelly. In fact, I have made two trips to Monaco and have seen the castle where she lived and the church were she was laid to rest. I would even go out of my way to buy magazines on the Princess, as I love her sense of style. I have watched all of Grace Kelly’s movies but my favorite is High Society with Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby.

ATTY. FELIPE L. GOZON, chairmain/president and CEO, GMA Network
: My favorite Grace Kelly movie is High Noon. Her great performance and fitting role as a beautiful bride-to-be to Gary Cooper helped to boost High Noon become a western classic and Oscar winner.

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