Why you should dream

Dreams keep alive the flame of life. When you no longer dream, you die. – Rajarishid

A dream is a train of thoughts and images experienced during sleep. It can also be a distant hope, vision or ideal imagined in the mind while awake which you wish would come true.

Through dreaming, we can create miracles using the power of the mind. We conjure visions of how we want life to be; we see our goals develop from a hazy mixture of desires, thoughts and feelings into a clearly defined objective in our mind’s eye. We dream of having strong, healthy and gorgeous bodies; we dream of becoming rich and famous. We dream of being loved, wanted and valued; we dream of engaging in a fulfilling, enriching and profitable job or career. And we dream of making a difference for the good of the world and mankind.

Most people don’t realize the value of dreams in their lives. In fact, our individual reality is founded on our dreams. Many people give up on their hopes and wishes so easily while some put their dreams on hold to make way for worthless, mundane things. In this age of confusion, greed and fear, we need dreams to see us through. We have to be dreamers who envision paradigm shifts that can bring about peace, happiness and prosperity to all men and change the world for the best.
Why should you dream?
• Because man was given the gift to dream.

Nobody is sure if plants and animals dream. It is possible that they do but maybe in a simpler, more basic way. Man is blessed with the power to wish and dream, and turn his desires into reality. Dreaming is a priceless gift that we are blessed with which must be used if we are to reach our full potential as human beings.

• Because we have two dream capabilities: asleep or awake.

Man can dream while asleep or awake. Our subconscious mind sends us messages and signals through the oftentimes unrelated and incomprehensible images we remember of our dreams. It is important for us to try to piece up and make sense of the visual representations we see in our sleeping dreams. Man is equally capable of dreaming awake through the processes of wishing, hoping and daydreaming. These are the means by which our conscious mind connects with our subconscious mind..

• Because everything starts with a dream.

Everything starts with a little wish or desire. It sits as an impossible dream in our minds until the subconscious works its miracle, summoning the forces of the universe to make it come true. Everything – including your house, all its contents, and even your family living in it – started as a germ of a desire or idea in someone’s heart and mind before it was manifest in the material world.

• Because dreaming starts the godly act of creation.

Inherent in every desire is its fulfillment. Everything that you passionately desire will find a way to be manifest and become real. It is an overly generous, giving universe that we live in and we are all part of the ongoing process of creation. Dreaming starts the godly act of creation on the human level. Isn’t it incredible that man has created rockets that fly to outer space and submarines that swim the deepest seas?

• Because if you don’t have a dream, no dream will come true.

A song from the Broadway musical South Pacific expresses it all so eloquently: "You’ve got to have a dream; if you don’t have a dream, how can any dream come true?" Many of us wonder why our lives seem to be getting nowhere. How can it get somewhere when you don’t have a dream to realize, no target to hit?

• Because dreaming gives you a natural high.

Dreaming is pleasurable and gives you a natural high. When faced with adversity, you should dream and imagine positive things to get you through. Dreaming gives you something to look forward to, something to hope for. It was found out that survivors of war imprisonment, airplane crashes, shipwrecks and earthquake disasters were kept alive by the dream to survive and unshakable faith not to give up hope.

• Because dreaming keeps you young and alive.

Life is nothing without a dream. You are only as young and alive as your dreams. Your zest for life and passion for living are expressed in each dream that you conceive and achieve from day to day. Old age never dims a true dreamer’s vision.

• Because dreaming awake (daydreaming) provides for creative loafing and reverie.

Daydreaming may initially seem frivolous and worthless but it actually provides for creative loafing – a time for the mind to leisurely explore vast possibilities, and define and select the choices that matter most for the individual. While daydreaming, composers hear songs and melodies, poets create beautiful and meaningful combinations of words and rhyme, scientists discover formulas, and visionaries conceive scenarios that change the world.

• Because dreams reveal ideas and solutions from your subconcious mind.

Whenever we have a problem that confronts us, the subconscious mind (working while we sleep) often presents a solution in the form of a dream. Beethoven used to hear his symphonies in his dreams before he wrote them; Beatle Paul McCartney revealed that he first heard the beautiful hit song Yesterday in a dream. Even the helical structure of the DNA came to its discoverer while dreaming in his sleep.

• Because dreams are powerful.

Dreams power your life because they fuel your ambitions, aspirations and idealism. The world’s greatest and best-loved leaders, inventors and humanitarians had visions so clear and noble that they were able to accomplish historic achievements even when faced with the most discouraging odds.

• Because no dream is impossible.

If you can dream it, you can do it; what can be conceived can be achieved. Man has long wished to have wings like birds so he could fly. This thoroughly impossible desire lead to the conception, design and creation of the airplane and other flying machines. Now, man is on his way to Mars and Jupiter. With the power of dreams, nothing is impossible!

• Most of all, because dreaming is for free!

Dreaming is a wonderful preoccupation. It is our link to our future. Aside from providing us magnificent visions and endless possibilities, dreaming takes us away from our every day cares, sorrows and miseries. Everyone can do it and the best part of it all is, it’s for free!
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Dero Dream Seminar
On the third week of April, I will be conducting life-enhancing seminars about turning your dreams into reality. The course is entitled "Make Your Impossible Dreams Come True," a dynamic four-hour session packed in one powerful day. You will learn the 12 Failure Anchors that keep you from being successful, the 8 Universal Principles that you can use to achieve your impossible dreams, the 5 Powerful Dream Achievement Techniques including Creative Visualization and Emotioimagineering, Man’s 12 Ultimate Goals in Life, plus many effective success tips and secret formulas.

The session includes a light, hearty dinner. A certificate of attendance will be awarded to each participant. For details and particulars, please e-mail deeperdoor@yahoo.com.
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Anagrams Solved!
"I’m a corporal gaga royal", "rejected as a poorish jet", and "in a nice dismal jar." These were the anagram puzzles I gave you to solve last time. Though quite complicated and long, they were cracked by many of our readers. I am really quite impressed! Here are the ones who sent in the right answers in the order of the arrival of their e-mails: Paul Nimeno, Allan Joseph C. de Dios, Constancia Sayan, Phillip Gamboa, Dominic Aries de la Torre, Apollo de Guzman and Jovita Topacio Ramos.

The answers, of course, were: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Joseph Ejercito Estrada and Cardinal Sin.

In the mood for one more? Try to crack this one: "a loved sweetest brute phenomenon." Sorry, Geraldine, Dinky and Ely, no clues!
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I?d love to hear from you! E-mail deeperdoor@yahoo.com (no attachments and chain letters, please!). Should you want to forward this article, be sure to mention the author Dero Pedero and acknowledge The Philippine Star. The reprinting, recording or publishing of this article in any form including the Web requires copyright permission from the author.

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