Your dogs are what they eat

MANILA, Philippines –  Here’s a secret: almost 70 percent of a dog’s immune system is in its digestive tract. Like humans, your dog may be prone to allergies. The symptoms may range from digestive trouble to loose stool to vomiting to frequent itching and scratching Sometimes these allergies are caused by emotional stress, at other times it’s caused by food. Dogs have nutritional needs that “human” food would most likely not be able to fill. More often than not, your veterinarian will recommend feeding your dog pet food with prebiotics, which feeds and stimulates the growth of good bacteria, thus crowding the bad bacteria out of the digestive track and strengthening your pet’s natural defenses.

Another problem that pets now face is obesity. Studies in the United States alone show that dogs have become less physically active and just as prone to overeating as their owners – and for sure, with the advent of globalization, this is becoming true all over the world. Dogs that are obese are more easily injured and are more inclined to have heart, lung, liver, kidney, joint and reproductive problems. What’s worse, all that excess fat leaves your pal open to illnesses like arthritis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, Salmonella infections and even the Big C. (Do any of these diseases sound familiar?) The good news is, low-fat dry food for adult dogs is now available, though to be certain check the nutritional labels of the dog food that you feed your pal for their caloric and fat contents (yes, they make those now too). A good rule of thumb is that unless your dog is active or groomed to perform, you’d best get a dog food brand with 16 percent fat content or less. Of course, it would be best to keep your pal away from the dining table.

Feed your dog with food that’s delicious and nutritious. Try to engage in an active, dog-friendly lifestyle that will benefit both you and your pal in the long run. And always consult your veterinarian before altering your pet’s diet, entering your dog into a fitness program or getting medication for your dog.

For more information on proper nutrition and common diseases of dogs, log on to

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