When Mardi Gras meets the Westminster dog show

For adults and kids alike, Halloween’s the best time to dress up in crazy costumes of superheroes and alter egos. But imagine a day in which dog lovers unleash their creativity and obsession on the world; a day where dogs are dressed as King Tut, as a plane, and even as Playgirls – or in this case, “Play-grrls” – complete with custom-made blonde dog-wigs. This is California’s big dog parade, in Santa Barbara. This November, Animal Planet takes viewers behind the scenes at this zany showdown where dog-owners dream up their theatrical floats and costumes in Unleashed: A Dogumentary 

Contenders compete for prizes ranging from luxurious getaways to free dog food – but mostly it’s about bizarre bragging rights, boundless creativity, and the extraordinary kinship between people and their dogs. Unleashed: A Dogumentary premieres Sunday, Nov. 23 at 8 p.m. and encores Nov. 30 at 2 pm.

Through the stories of a few devoted competitors, Unleashed: A Dogumentary reveals a commitment that extends far beyond the time and money poured into this event. For many, the dedication they have for their beloved pets began when they rescued their pup from a shelter or an abusive owner, while others nurse their disabled dogs, caring for them as they would a relative. One particularly touching story is of a woman and her paraplegic pug who tools around on custom-made wheels.

In Unleashed:A Dogumentary each relationship featured is unique, intense and full of surprises.

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