The Greek myths and other tales retold in 'tweets'

MANILA, Philippines - Ever wondered how the Greek myths would be "told" if they were composed in tweets?

Well, wonder no more, as social networking site Twitter on Wednesday launched a five-day fiction festival that will have, among others, the Greek myths as some of the classic stories that will be retold in 140-character installments.

New stories in five different languages from authors from five continents will also be featured in the "completely virtual event."

"The Twitter Fiction Festival will feature creative experiments in storytelling from authors around the world," wrote Andrew Fitzgerald of Twitter's editorial programming media team on the social networking site's blog.

Some of the stories that have been included in the line-up are 100 Greek myths that will be retold by British author Lucy Coats (@lucycoats) through 100 tweets; "Found Shakespeare" selections through @wwnorton; and Henry James's classic "The Turn of the Screw" that will be "set in present-day White House" by Andrew Pyper (@andrewpyper), among others.

"The Twitter Fiction Festival isn’t just for writers— it’s for readers too! You can enjoy the showcase selections at the #twitterfiction page. There will be stories being told on that page at all hours of the day during the Festival. You can also find and follow accounts telling stories during the festival by searching the #twitterfiction hashtag," Fitzgerald added.

Some of the fictiona festival tweets from readers will be "highlighted" through the @twitterbooks account.

You may view some of the featured works here.

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