Daniel Matsunaga: ‘Working out together helps build a more alive relationship’

Lean and mean: “My goal isn’t to build muscle but to stay lean,” says Brazilian-Filipino soap opera star Daniel Matsunaga.

With his good looks and Herculean physique, Daniel Matsunaga rose to stardom as a successful Filipino-Brazilian model.

Today, he’s kept very busy with his leading role in the soap Be My Lady alongside real-life flame Erich Gonzales which got extended until October.

He also has his restaurant business. But that doesn’t keep him from having an incredible body, which he shows off as cover of Muscle & Fitness Philippines.

Here’s how he does it:

THE PHLIPPINE STAR: How do you keep yourself fit despite your busy schedule?

DANIEL MATSUNAGA: It’s a lot harder for me now because we have tapings from Tuesdays to Saturdays. We even shoot in Pampanga so I just try to control my food. I try not to eat so much oil or carbs and eat more fiber, protein and work out whenever I can. I have football once a week and go to the gym three to four times per week. Even when I lack sleep, I do some pushups instead to maintain.

I never expected it to be this hard. Aside from this soap opera, I have my business and all which involves a lot of meetings. I really have to find time.

What role does physical training play in your life?

It makes you feel good and it helps you with your daily activites. You also learn to be strong with your mind or your mentality because you condition yourself not to give up. It helps me with everything, actually. I love being an athlete ’cause I used to play professional football as well and working out is just a part of my life.

Besides getting a better-looking body, what other benefits do you get from working out?

Health. It’s an investment for your body in the future, for you to lessen the possibility of diseases and other illnesses. Health would be the main benefit of exercise — for your body and also your mind.

How does exercise factor in your relationship?

We work out together. Right now, Erich does a lot of badminton for cardio. It was actually my first time playing badminton when I went with her. She’s trying to adjust as well. She comes with me to the gym and does work on the treadmill and I teach her to use the weights and do some ab workouts to define. We do it together because it allows us to also enjoy the rest of the day together.

Would you say that working out has had a positive effect on your relationship?

Yes of course! It makes you feel good. It makes you feel better, healthier, more positive, and more alive. A lot of people go to the gym to relieve stress and all. It really uplifts your spirit.

We all know you’re in the restaurant business. Do you have any tips for our readers on how they can choose healthy yet delicious food?

Try to eat more fiber. Like instead of eating white rice, brown rice. Instead of pork, eat lean meat, chicken breast or fish. Add salads or any kind of veggies to your diet. It’s very important to balance everything. You shouldn’t cut out carbs completely because your body needs them so you maintain energy.

What is your workout routine?

When I go to the gym, I have to do at least two hours. My goal isn’t to build muscle but to stay lean. Right now, I do A, B, C sets, but I work out every muscle every day with a different kind of exercise. I isolate all my muscles because you really have to feel the pain. I don’t really separate so much.

What’s your fitness mantra?

You have to feel the pain.

Beefing up: “Working out is just a part of my life. Right now, I do A, B, C sets, but I work out every muscle every day with a different kind of exercise,” Daniel describes his physical regimen.

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Post me a note at mylene@goldsgym.com.ph or mylenedayrit@gmail.com.

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