1.5-minute stretch that stressed individuals need

Photo by Anna Gutermuth/ CC BY

MANILA, Philippines – When deadlines rush like a pouring thunderstorm, stress comes in.

Stress, if not managed properly, could turn into chronic stress, which may lead to long-term physical and mental problems, including depression, mental impairment, heart disease and weight gain.

Aside from a pounding head, stress also makes your heart beat faster than the usual.

This condition can be classified as heart palpitations. Heart beats normally 60 to 100 times per minute. Heart palpitations can be caused by a variety of factors, including caffeine, exercise, smoking or stress. Luckily, there is an exercise to keep your heart’s beat at a normal pace.

Fitness and Yoga Instructor Jill Miller suggests an exercise that will calm your nerves.  This will only take a minute and a half of your time.

Grab a rubber ball and a pillow and get started with this chest decompression stretch.



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