Back to school, back to the lunch box

MANILA, Philippines – Do you remember the color of your lunch box in preschool? More importantly, do you remember what your mom put inside your lunch box?

“Preparing their children’s baon is every mother’s joy,” says Prof. Luchie Callanta, a faculty member of the University of the Philippines College of Home Economics. “Mothers are the primary persons who ensure that their children’s meals are truly healthy and nutritious.”

As the resident nutritionist of the Doña Elena Cuisinera Club, a group of health practitioners and food enthusiasts established by Doña Elena Olive Oil brand, Prof. Callanta asserts that merely telling children to stop eating unhealthy foods won’t work. “Children see on TV and even with other kids that junk foods are more satisfying. But you can address this by preparing meals that they can take to school that have nutritional value,” she explains.

At the recent Doña Elena Cuisinera Club culinary session, moms and their kids were treated to an afternoon of nutritious delights perfect for every kid’s lunchbox. Led by chef and mother of two Golda Liamzon, guests were introduced to simple and healthy meals that kids can bring as baon in the coming school opening. For example, regular cheese and ham sticks, beef and mushroom stew, and pizza were given a healthier twist by cooking them with olive oil. 

“A beef and mushroom stew is loaded with calories and fats, but if you use olive oil such as Dona Elena, it will become at least 63-percent healthier and more flavorful,” says Callanta.

This is because Doña Elena Olive Oil increases HDL (good cholesterol) that helps clear clogged arteries and is rich in monounsaturated fat and antioxidants like chlorophyll, carotenoids, vitamin E., flavonoids, squalene, and polyphenols which help protect against cancer.

“Most Filipinos, however, are intimidated by the perceived high prices of olive oils,” says Callanta. “Luckily, consumers now have good brands such as Doña Elena Olive Oil that provides the best health benefits — and a rich and flavorful taste — without going over the budget.”

For inquiries, call Doña Elena Cuisinera Club Secretariat  at 713-8144 or e-mail  

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