Eat better for a healthier you

Want to eat better and have the pleasure of eating for a healthier you? With a little common sense and discipline, you can eat right, have more energy, be healthier, and look better. Here are some dieter’s secrets that most of us know but often conveniently forget:

• Be a knowledgeable eater. Be conscious about the foods you ingest. Know which ones are good for you; know which foods to avoid. Read up on their nutritional value and calorie content, or get advice from your doctor, nutritionist or dietitian.

• If you want to stay lean, don’t starve yourself. Depriving yourself depresses you and will just set you up for a food binge that you will later regret.

• Take a morning meal. Skipping breakfast will make you feel low and sluggish. A light breakfast of yogurt, cereal, fruit, and low-fat milk or juice will give you the proper energy to jumpstart your day.

• What is life without a little fun? Go ahead, eat some junk food once in a while but don’t over-indulge. Enjoy dessert and some sweets, but just take a portion for tasting. Let it stay long on your tongue so you will savor the experience, but you must know when to stop.

• Drink a glass of water slowly before eating. It will give you the feeling of being full immediately and prevent you from eating more.

• Try to eat several servings of fruits, nuts, and vegetables every day.

• Eat a healthy snack between lunch and dinner. A long-time interval between the two meals will make you eat more at suppertime. Some people swear by the "nothing after six (p.m.)" routine for keeping weight down, but it is best to consult a doctor before going on drastic eating habit changes.

• Pre-cut fruits and vegetables, so you can grab them anytime you’re hungry. Keep them chilled in the refrigerator for convenient, quick, nutritious, and delicious snacks.

• Bring healthy snacks to work like corn on the cob, fruit, nuts, and yogurt so you won’t have to settle for the junk food being sold at the workplace canteen.

• When fixing a salad, add oats, raisins or crunchy whole-grain cereals for added fiber, so you’ll feel full. Season with black pepper, herbs, lemon juice, or balsamic vinegar dressing. Avoid sugary and oily dressings, and heavy mayonnaise.

• Choose lean protein like fish, shrimps, tuna canned in water, chicken breast, etc. Discard chicken skin and fatty sections of beef and pork. Don’t eat burned portions of grilled food which could be carcinogenic.

• Drink fewer sodas and sweetened drinks; the calories could add up if you don’t monitor them. Be extra careful about restaurant-prepared juices and iced tea; they could be heavily loaded with sugar and food coloring.

• Always buy a variety of fruits instead of buying kilos of the same fruit. Have a wide mix of different types: apples, pear, banana, mangoes, and grapes. This will keep you from getting bored.

• Don’t shop at the supermarket when you are hungry because you will tend to buy more than what you really need. It is a good practice to make a list whenever you shop for food. And stick to it!

• Avoid munching snacks while watching a movie or television. If you crave popcorn, say no to butter and use salt sparingly. For hot dogs and burgers, shy away from too much mayonnaise and catsup. Opt for mineral water instead of soft drinks and sodas.

• Eat something light and healthy before going to a party. This will curb your appetite and prevent you from overeating when presented with so much food.

• Be conscious of quality rather than quantity of the foods you eat. Try to develop a gourmet’s palate for fine quality dining.

• Eat with friends who provide great company and witty conversation to add pleasure to calculated, sensible eating.

• And finally, as Audrey Hepburn advised, if you desire a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
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