Girls gone glam

MANILA, Philippines -The girls from The Lylas express themselves through music, but they still reveal their personalities through their sense of style.

 â€œIt’s the little things — such as our makeup, hair, accessories and shoes,” explain Tiara, Tahiti, Jaime and Presley. “As a group we try to be cohesive with our outfits onstage, but it is extremely important that our individuality shines through. We make it happen!”

They found the perfect place that lets them express their varied fashion tastes. “We are four women with very different styles and Robinsons Department Store (RDS) is a one-stop shop where you can find everything! We were honored to represent the brand.”

RDS’s fashion offerings fit the group’s image: classic, glamorous, sexy and fun. 

PHILIPPINE STAR: How were The Lylas formed?

The Lylas: We were originally “The Bernadettes” after our mother, but that was short-lived — sorry, Mom, we love you! Presley came up with “The LYLAS” — Love You Like A Sister — and we all loved it instantly. The release of our first single was surreal and we can’t wait to show you what else we have up our sleeves! We hope to do all genres of music: reggae, hip-hop, R&B, rock and death metal… well, maybe not death metal.

Who are your musical influences?

All the female powerhouses: Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Beyoncé, Adele, Pink, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Minnie Ripperton.

You have an upcoming TV show? What is it about?

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We have just started filming our docu-series for WE network that will air this fall. The show will follow us moving from Hawaii to Hollywood, and you’ll see behind the scenes and all the craziness that happens.

Define your personal style:

Tiara: I like to dress edgier and I like rock/chic/glam. My fashion icon is Gwen Stefani.

Tahiti: I’m the more daring one and love to mix it up between sexy and high fashion. My icon is Jennifer Lopez.

Jaime: I love the classic glamorous look of Marilyn Monroe mixed with a little earthiness.

Presley: I’m inspired by Beyoncé and I love to mix it up, I go for urban street chic.

What  are staples in your wardrobe?

Tiara: Spikes and all-black everything. 

Tahiti: Stilettos and red lipstick.

Jaime: Turquoise jewelry and feathers. 

Presley: A new pair of kicks and gold.

What makes a woman truly fashionable?

A fashionable woman is one who is comfortable in her own skin and can be fierce in a sweater or a gown.

The ensembles modeled by these talented siblings are available at the Ladies Wear Department of Robinsons Department Store. For information, visit, like RDS on Facebook and follow it on Twitter.

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