Have wrinkle-free holiday clothes, will travel

Dear Rissa, 

Our family is leaving for Singapore during the holidays. Can you recommend clothes good for traveling? I hate getting my clothes wrinkled in the suitcase. Hopefully something easy to pack and easy to wear but still stylish? 


Vacations are always wonderful, especially when you’re with the family. But what can ruin the trip for every fashionista is the stress of dealing with wrinkled clothes. Crinkled and crumpled clothes are a pet peeve of mine. They can ruin your look, and for big spenders, it can make expensive clothes look cheap. And yet, no matter how carefully one packs (for me, this is a long afternoon ritual and preparation), like taxes and death, you can never evade creases in your packed clothes. That’s why I have learned to invest in a travel steamer. My eyes lit up when I saw one at Ace Hardware (I found mine at the Megamall branch). Try looking for the brand Edmark. The last time I stopped by Ace Hardware, the sales staff was still doing the whole demo, complete with a mic. Another must-have item to pack is any piece of clothing by Queen of Knits Lulu Tan Gan. For me, her pieces are the perfect items for traveling. As you wished — easy to pack, easy to wear, and stylish. Whenever I travel, be it to the beach or a nearby Asian country, Tan Gan’s pieces are the first things on my list. Packing a Tan Gan in my suitcase eases away any wrinkles — both in my clothes and on my fashionista forehead. They’re modern, stylish, unique, versatile —and practically wrinkle-proof! I’ve had tops I bought years ago that I still enjoy wearing today. And I never fail to get compliments from friends when I wear her eye-catching pieces. And despite being knits, they’re light, cool, and allow your skin to breathe. Yup, I’ve worn her pretty light knit tops to nights out in Boracay, but her long knit dresses have also kept me warm at Tagaytay weddings. My US-based cousin once asked me to buy her fashionable tops from Manila. Taking into consideration her hectic LA lifestyle (where there are no helpers and time is a scarce commodity), I bought her a lot of Lulu Tan Gan’s knit tops and she loved them. She shared that they’ve become her favorite pieces and every time a relative would come home, she would request me to get her more of Tan Gan’s clothes. Check out her latest collection which features contemporary Filipino-inspired pieces as well as her other fashion staples, ranging from casual to occasion wear (available at her shop L Manila, Greenbelt 5, Makati; Tan Gan boutiques located at SM Megamall, SM City North Edsa, SM City Manila; Tan Gan apparel also available inside SM department stores and Landmark; check out the website www.tan-gan.com). Paired with classic heels or your favorite gladiator sandals, you’re sure to find easy-to-wear stylish pieces perfect for both everyday Manila life and your travels.   


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Must-Have Mists

Dear Lucy,

I love facial mists. My friends always say that buying them is such a waste of money because plain water will do the job just as well. Do you use mists? Are my friends right?

Also, what is a quick fix for a bad hair day? A bad face day? There’s a flurry of activities I have to attend for the holidays (I’m in advertising) and there is hardly any time to dwell on how I should look.


I love facial mists, too, so I will have to agree with you. Yes, plain water dispensed in a spritz bottle probably will do the job, but it’s not just about that. Oftentimes, we use products because of the way they make us feel. There is admittedly, for me at least, some pleasure in getting a pretty bottle and spraying scented water on my face. I like Evian, but of late, I have been gravitating towards rose-infused facial sprays. Current favorites include Mario Badescu’s Rosewater and L’Occitane’s Rosee Fraicheur (both available at Rustan’s). I love it, it really picks me up during a hot day.

Re your second concern, I suggest you invest in the prettiest, most festive headband you can afford. Evita Peroni has a great selection. If you do not have time for a blowout, just tease your hair gently at the crown, sweep it into a low messy bun, and then slip on the headband to make it rest about two inches from the hairline. That is for the hair.

For a bad face day, as you call it, let your lips carry the look. I am assuming, of course, that your skin is clear and that a light dusting of powder foundation is all you need to look effortlessly polished. With an intense shade on the lips, you would want to keep everything else sheer. For fair complexion, choose a bright with blue undertones. A darker skin tone would look best with orangey pinks. Always use a pencil to define the shape of your lips. Remember to curl your lashes beautifully and set the curl with mascara. I find that the one from Clarins works best. Their mascara really keeps lashes curled all throughout. No need for eye makeup, just line the rims with a white or pink pencil and put a dot of sparkly liner on the inner corners. Put a bit of neutral shiny powder on the center of your eyelids and you’re good to go. These are foolproof quick steps that work all the time.

Here’s to enjoying the rush of the season in a most pretty way. Cheers!


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Thigh Fashion

Dear Tingting,

Could you give me suggestions on how to tone the outer legs and thighs so I could wear short skirts or those with thigh-high slits?


One efficient way to tone and sculpt the outer legs and thighs is to do the sidekick, like this: Lie on your left side, propped on your elbow, legs extended forward diagonally. With your right arm pressed into the floor, your fingers pointing toward your ear and your torso perfectly still, think about pressing your navel toward your spine, stretch your right leg, pointing the toes softly, and kick toward the ceiling. Flex your foot and lower the leg, still extended, visualizing the leg long and strong, slowly to the floor. After 10 to 20 repetitions, change sides and begin again. To shape the inner thighs, perform the identical exercise while turning the leg out like a dancer’s.    

 But some ways of attaining a leggy look are a lot more productive like running or spending hours pounding away on the stairs. Pilates is known for creating long, lean bodies, and a trimmer appearance. Joseph Pilates founded the Pilates method of exercise. Pilates, like swimming, cuts to the chase — visibly sculpting and trimming the legs after about a month of twice-weekly workouts.

Pilates and yoga work together perfectly. Try it!


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Send e-mail to tingtingcojuangco@yahoo.com, ltg@pldtdsl.com, and stylesos_rissa@yahoo.com.

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