Beware the dream stealers

If you believe in the infinite power of dreaming, success is not far behind. Since victory is a destination, however, expect potholes, even thunderstorms, along the way. In every step you make to inch closer to your goals, you will meet people who will shoot down your inertia to achieve your dreams. Be wary of them. They are called the dream stealers.

Conceiving dreams and stealing them are like witchcraft. For every wielder of white magic, there looms in one nook a black magician, ready to cast a sinister and shady spell. For every ounce of good deed you do, someone out there will still say bad things about you. With focus, however, the black, the bad and everything negative is washed away, burned to oblivion, never to return again.

Dreamers know how important a dream is. It’s their passport to success. It’s the wind that will turboprop them to flap their wings and fly. It’s the fire under their seats, the fire that keeps them warm, that makes them aglow, that makes them believe that everything is possible for a man with ambitions.

Dreamers are responsible for their lives. Stealers are responsible for the death of the dreamers’ dreams. The maker and stealer of dreams are similar in a sense that both are dreamers. The former dreams to advance his life. The latter dreams to put a stop to the former’s dreams.

The dreamers are everywhere. So are the stealers. Both exist in real life.

The dreamers are easy to spot. They work hard. They are conscious of their paths, never wanting to dislodge something or someone on their way to their destination. They experience trials and tribulations but they never lose sight of their focus. Dreamers see opportunities for every problem they encounter. They believe in resolute will. 

The stealers are sometimes hard to recognize. They are scheming. They hide in many masks. Sometimes they are clothed in fine gold only to find out that beneath them is a trove of covetousness and resentment. They are in the neighborhood, like the man who told you once that you would not amount into anything. They thrive at your workplace, like a colleague whose envious prying eyes are always speckled on you. They are in your circle, like the pseudo-pal who loves to hear success stories but hates to see successful ones. Sometimes they are sadly found at home. On the streets. In the air. And when you feel that you want to give up pursuing your dreams, that’s the time you know the stealer resides in you.

Since you believe in the power of dreaming, you continue the journey. Your belief that you can achieve your aspirations fuels your enthusiasm to really, really conquer your dreams. As you sprint or fly, your enthusiasm will soon burst into passion then it fires your soul and lifts your spirit. You reach your destination. You achieve your dream. And in your wake you find the dream stealers, wagging their tails, gasping for breath, dying of exhaustion. The birth of your victory is the death of those who wanted to steal your dreams.

The only thing that matters between the dreamer and what he wants in life is the will to pursue his ambitions and the faith that it is possible to acquire them. Indeed it’s true that to get what one has never had, one must do what one has never done before. Dreaming is one, finding ways how to enact the dreams is another.

Life is no geometry that there’s a straight line that connects one point to another. There’s no straight line between a dreamer and his dreams. Always, always, challenges bisect the path. Sometimes you stop and design a new plan, unmindful that the world is slowly caving in on you. You involve again the Guy Up There in your planning and soon you see the light. You continue to walk to your destination and upon reaching it, you let loose of a smile, so infectious that you inspire others to keep pursuing their dreams, too. Even with the dream stealers around, you know in your heart that life is still beautiful. Indeed, it is. 

Dream stealers are challengers of life. As long as you know your value, as long as your fidelity to your dreams is intact, there’s no reason for you to fail; there’s no reason for you not to be a dream weaver.

Enjoy the journey. Happy dreaming.


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Have a blessed Sunday!)

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