Mia Floirendo : Smooth sailing

There are people who are comfortable staying in the city all 365 days of the year – urbanites whose schedules are just about as well planned as a 10-course sit-down dinner. Then, there are those who prefer to get away every so often to take a breather from a toxic pace in the urban jungle.

Mia Dragon-Floirendo, managing director for the clothing line Regatta, is a little bit of both. She starts, "I don’t really have a routine. Since I got married, I’ve been shuttling back and forth from Manila to Davao. When I moved to Davao, I began to realize that so much could be accomplished. Travel, for me, is the best way to see what ís out there, to discover new things and pick up fresh ideas."

A little over two years into the cutthroat retail business, Mia finds that life can be one smooth ride given the right attitude and an enormous amount of enthusiasm for her work. "I always plan ahead. I believe that everything is in the details, which is why I’m very meticulous. Each task has to be done immediately so I don’t lose my momentum. When you are prepared, everything becomes manageable," shares Mia.

In an industry where change is constant, this striking femme proves that she is, indeed, the woman for the job. "I used to observe how my father managed his real estate development business. My style is to treat everything as if there was no room for error," she states. As each season in retail means a whole new collection for the racks and creating new designs, Mia embraces every endeavor in the industry as an opportunity to experiment. She emphasizes, "The most fulfilling thing about my job is being a part of a creative process and seeing how one idea becomes tangible."

While she keeps a very close eye on the production line of Regatta, this dynamic gal insists on leading a generally more laid-back life. "I wake up late in the day. I see to it that I get a massage at least twice a week. Then I spend hours in the gym. And I love to read," Mia narrates. A curious cat in more ways than one, Mia’s thirst for all things new and interesting are almost impossible to appease.

She confesses to being restless and reveals, "I like stimuli, visuals, observing things. I believe in embracing change and keeping an open mind. At present, I am looking forward to working with my dad and venturing into other possible business opportunities."

A few minutes with this entrepreneur will confirm that she knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. Her demeanor is reflective of a woman who is at ease with herself, a lady whose confidence and sense of security is admirable. She is definitely set on exploring an ocean of opportunities. ` Apparently, unchartered waters and shores are things that this adventurer is on the look out for.

Come rain or shine, we’re quite certain that 34-year-old Mia Floirendo will be smooth sailing all the way through. In fact, she already is. – Bianca Salonga

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