May 21, 2003

Mercury is direct, and the sun is testing out the weather in Gemini’s playground. These aspects bode well for the kind of conversations that can make life go much more smoothly. You’ll find the magic way to put things that makes the information easy to receive, even if you’re talking with teenagers or that intimidating boss. Keep it light.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. One good move builds on the last – plan it out. Use spirituality to transcend or resolve problems. This can be accomplished through connecting with others, connecting with the earth or connecting with your inner self.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Make sure your values and morals line up with those of your superiors. The evening puts you back in touch with a yearning to be close to family, loved ones and even sweet pets. Slow your heartbeat down, and relax.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
A heated discussion this morning gets the group moving in a certain direction. If you think you’ve got something to contribute, don’t waste a second. If you don’t speak now, you’ll be forced to forever told your peace.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Daydream all you want, but nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. Even a lesson is no lesson until your life has illustrated that it is learned. This morning is all about taking steps required to make your goal tangible.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Getting rich means taking more responsibility both for what goes in and what flies out of your bank account. Ask for a receipt for everything you buy, and at the end of the day, jot down everything you spend in your diary.

You’ve got the Midas touch, and friends want in on every venture you undertake. An investment you make this month or in June pays off beyond your wildest expectations. Higher-ups solicit your opinions in August. Singles are constantly surrounded by romantic possibilities, but love is most likely with a Sagittarius or Aquarius. Your lucky numbers are: 35, 46, 27, 9 and 51.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
This morning, opportunities rock your world. Much of what you do requires your brain to be working at full capacity, which is why tuning out irrelevancies is an absolute must. A marvelous meal tonight is made just to please you!

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Stay within the limits of your budget, not to mention your well of energy. Smoldering looks across a room are a thrill, but if you’re taken, watch out. Straying eyes cause fireworks between you and your one and only.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You have a tendency to sell yourself short, perhaps feeling unworthy of all the attention you’ll be getting. Combat this trend with extreme self-care and self-esteem bolstering exercises. Romance intermingles with business.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Friends act out in competitive ways. When you get a case of the "envies," it’s a fabulous time to call on your ingenuity and artistry, something that nobody can compete with since yours is one of a kind.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Create a non-generic atmosphere at work. Just because you’re expected to behave in a conservative way doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a sense of humor. But resist going against the conventional wisdom.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
It’s super lucky to step up your personal responsibility level. If you don’t have proper insurance to cover possessions and health, you’ll get fabulous rates on such things today.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Light makes a difference in your attitude. Get in the sun. You’ll figure out what nobody else can at work because you approach puzzles from an intuitive place instead of focusing on the obvious clues.

"I am a Cancer, born July 12, 1963, in White Plains, N. Y. I seem to have lots of luck as far as my professional life goes, but I have not been able to settle down and get married. I meet lots of men and have had several serious boyfriends, but my fear of commitment is really holding me back. At the moment, there are two guys I am interested in, a Pisces and a Leo. I think the Leo is more of a player even though he has tried to say otherwise. I have decided to hedge my bets on the Pisces, but I don’t want to make a mistake. Can you give me any advice?"

You’re right. The Pisces man will make a stellar lifelong mate. You want a man who will take care of business at home, and all Mr. Leo wants is to let the good times roll. The trick is getting your Pisces to feel safe enough to let his love flow; he’s got a lot more feelings for you than he lets on. Be not afraid: Once you attach yourself to this man, your relationship satisfies you on so many levels that you forget why you stayed single for so long.

Rocker Lenny Kravitz has a trend-setting style and could be approached by a fashion designer this year to make a line of menswear. Kravitz will probably decide that he’s too occupied with writing a new record of hits to bother making a foray into the garment industry. Gemini folks have such a natural sense of style that they often don’t need training to be considered credible designers.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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