Bishops’ group endorses Eleazar

The Independent Bishops Conference of the Philippines (IBCP) formally endorsed the candidacy of Eleazar in a ceremony attended by the religious group’s leaders and members headed by its president, Bishop Efraim Perez.
STAR / Boy Santos, file

MANILA, Philippines — A day after securing the support of Iglesia ni Cristo (INC), senatorial candidate and former national police chief Gen. Guillermo Lorenzo Eleazar again obtained the blessing of a religious group composed of bishops from various Christian groups nationwide.

The Independent Bishops Conference of the Philippines (IBCP) formally endorsed the candidacy of Eleazar in a ceremony attended by the religious group’s leaders and members headed by its president, Bishop Efraim Perez.

“We, the Independent Bishops Conference of the Philippines, composing of 187 bishops nationwide, clearly believe that it’s our moral and spiritual obligation to guide, to lead our nation for righteousness,” said IBCP president Perez.

Eleazar was picked as the first choice of the IBCP among the 12 senatorial candidates that they endorsed for the May 9 polls.

“Thank you Independent Bishops Conference of the Philippines for endorsing me as your first choice for senatorial candidate, a few days before the election. The endorsement of our friends in the IBCP will help us a lot bring the concerns of every Filipino to the Senate,” he said. “It’s the Filipinos’ day-to-day struggles that I will address in the Senate.”

The IBCP said that they unanimously chose Eleazar to be the first candidate to receive its endorsement because of his good character, vision and capability to “lead the nation to a path of righteousness.”

Eleazar was in the uniformed service for 38 years and spent his last six months in the police organization as the Philippine National Police (PNP) chief before officially retiring in November 2021.

As a PNP officer, Eleazar fought with criminals, communists, terrorists and other lawless elements to preserve the peace and order in the country. The retired police general will prioritize legislation that will help enhance security and peace and order.

“I believe the Independent Bishops Conference of the Philippines is one with us in our objective of keeping peace in the country. My heartfelt thanks to the bishops who support my candidacy,” Eleazar said.

Aside from IBCP and INC, Eleazar was also endorsed by El Shaddai, the biggest Catholic charismatic group in the country.

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