Most Filipinos not attending in-person gatherings – SWS

The survey, conducted from Dec. 12 to 16 with the results released on Friday, showed that 51 percent of the respondents do not plan on attending in-person gatherings with family and friends from other homes.
Miguel de Guzman, file

MANILA, Philippines — Despite eased quarantine restrictions this month, majority of Filipinos are still not inclined to attend in-person gatherings during the Christmas season, a survey conducted by Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed.

The survey, conducted from Dec. 12 to 16 with the results released on Friday, showed that 51 percent of the respondents do not plan on attending in-person gatherings with family and friends from other homes.

Some 46 percent said they would be doing so, while the other three percent were undecided or did not respond to the question.

A large majority of 84 percent also said they will not travel to visit their family and friends this Christmas, while only 13 percent said they will be doing so. The remaining three percent said they do not know or refused to answer the question.

The same survey showed 65 percent of adult Filipinos expect a happy Christmas this year, up from the record low 50 percent last year.

Despite the increase, the number of Filipinos expecting a happy Christmas this 2021 is still lower than the 79 percent obtained in 2019 prior to the pandemic.

Some 42 percent of the respondents said that Christmas is not as happy now compared to pre-pandemic times, with only 26 percent saying it is happier now than before.

The remaining 25 percent said it was the same as prior to the pandemic.

According to SWS, expectation of a happy Christmas is higher among those attending in-person gatherings and those traveling to visit their family or friends during the holidays.

Those who consider Christmas to be happier now than during pre-pandemic times are also higher among those attending in-person gatherings and those traveling, it added.

The survey had 1,440 respondents and a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percent for national percentages.

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