1 Billion children worldwide experience violence

WHO and UNICEF warned that aside from having immediate and life-long consequences, violence against children places long-term burden on health and social services.
Edd Gumban

MANILA, Philippines — At least one billion children experience various forms of interpersonal violence each year across the globe, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said yesterday. 

In Asia, the two agencies noted at least 50 percent of children were subjected to violence in the past year. 

WHO and UNICEF warned that aside from having immediate and life-long consequences, violence against children places long-term burden on health and social services.

It also undermines investment and development in other sectors such as health, early childhood development, nutrition and education and constrains economic development, the agencies said.

“Recognizing the urgency of tackling this problem, the international community committed to ending violence against children by 2030 as a priority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” they added.

Delegates from 21 countries in Asia and the Pacific are meeting this week in Cambodia to identify opportunities to accelerate action to end violence against children. 

And to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, 10 agencies – including WHO and UNICEF – collaborated to launch INSPIRE, the seven strategies for ending violence against children. 

The strategy revolves around ensuring the enforcement of child-focused laws to promoting positive parent-child relationships and providing socio-economic assistance.

The conference aims to provide a forum for countries to learn from each other about evidence-based practices that may reduce violence against children. 

It is also envisioned to serve as a catalyst for renewed commitment and accelerated action in the region towards ending all violence against children by 2030.  

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