

Duterte: Filipinos should follow example of Ninoy Aquino

Gaea Katreena Cabico - Philstar.com
Duterte: Filipinos should follow example of Ninoy Aquino
Ninoy Aquino, a staunch critic of dictator Ferdinand Marcos, fell to an assassin’s bullet, shortly after he arrived at the Manila International Airport (now the Ninoy Aquino International Airport).
Official Gazette

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte urged Filipinos to emulate the late Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr., the outspoken opposition figure during the Marcos dictatorship, who was gunned down 35 years ago.

In a statement marking the death anniversary of Aquino, Duterte reminded the public of the democracy icon’s “profound love of country” that had altered the course of nation’s history and given birth to the freedom Filipinos enjoy today.

“May his dedication to his cause serve as a guidepost for our current leaders in government as they advance the welfare of our people, especially the oppressed and marginalized,” Duterte said.

The president, who allowed the burial of dictator Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, added that “more citizens like him (Aquino)” are needed to “steer our country toward the direction where a brighter and better future awaits us all.”

Aquino, a staunch critic of Marcos, fell to an assassin’s bullet, shortly after he arrived at the Manila International Airport (now the Ninoy Aquino International Airport) on August 21, 1983.

His assassination paved the way for the 1986 People Power Revolution in EDSA that toppled the Marcos rule and catapulted Aquino’s wife, Corazon, to the presidency.

His son, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, was the chief executive before Duterte.

Duterte has been identified as friendly to the Marcoses.

Last week, Duterte said that should he step down from his post, the late strongman’s only son, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., would be one of his preferred successors instead of Vice President Leni Robredo.

Marcos is in the middle of an electoral protest against Robredo, whom he has accused of cheating in 2016.

READDuterte's preferred successor: Someone like Bongbong, Chiz

‘Filipinos are still worth dying for’

Rep. Gary Alejano (Magdalo party-list) said Filipinos are still fighting the same fight that Aquino had fought “only this time under a different dictator.”

“Our democracy is being challenged once more. We see today rampant killings, human rights violations, martial law in Mindanao, corruption in government, attack on press freedom and political persecution of the opposition. These are undeniably reminiscent of the Marcos authoritarian regime,” he said.

The opposition lawmaker urged the public to speak up and stand firm.

“While our supposed leaders today are styling themselves as dictators, the responsibility to keep democracy alive in our hands—ever Filipino’s hands,” Alejano said.

Borrowing the famous words of his uncle, Sen. Paolo “Bam” Aquino said that Filipinos are still worth dying for.

“We are worth the trouble and the struggle. No matter how difficult or dangerous times may get, let’s take the lead from Ninoy’s life,” the senator said.

He added: “The Filipino is worth dying for, worth fighting for.”

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