Palace: No order for Cabinet to be in full force at frigate hearing

Members of the Duterte Cabinet appear at a Senate hearing on a Navy contract for frigates. Senate PRIB/Albert Calvelo, release

MANILA, Philippines — Malacañang officials were out in full force at the Senate hearing on Monday on the issues surrounding the procurement of the combat management system for Navy warships to support Special Assistant to the President Christopher "Bong" Go.

Presidential spokesman Harry Roque admitted that almost all of Go's colleagues in Malacañang were present during the inquiry, which stemmed from the allegation that the presidential aide meddled with the procurement of Navy frigates.

"Well, all I can say is wala po talagang natira sa Malacañang (no one remained in Malacañang). They are in the Senate and for good reasons. We, the Malacañang-based

secretaries, are the only ones seeing each other here. So it's natural that if one faces an issue, we would show our support," Roque said in a press briefing. 

Roque said only Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo was the Malacañang-based secretary who was absent during the hearing. 

Aside from Roque, other Palace secretaries who were present during the meeting were Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar and Cabinet Secretary Leoncio Evasco.

Officials from other agencies were also spotted during the hearing, including Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre, Solicitor General Jose Calida, Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office board member Sandra Cam, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Cayetano, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello, Energy Regulatory Commission chair Agnes Devanadera and Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. chair Andrea Domingo.

Go appeared before a chamber dominated by a supermajority allied with the administration PDP-Laban party.

During the hearing, Sen. Francis Escudero asked Go in jest who was left in Malacañang with the president, to which the presidential aide replied "Siya lang po. Siya lang mag-isa (He was the only one who remained there)." 

Roque said President Duterte did not instruct the officials to attend the hearing. 

"There were none (orders). We went there voluntarily. I feel that to give this press briefing is really my main job, that's why I came back to do the briefing. But I'm going back to show my solidarity with SAP Go," the presidential spokesman said. 

Some pro-Duterte groups held a rally outside the Senate to express support for Go, who has been working as Duterte's aide for decades. 

The Presidential Photographers Division, the close-in photographers of the president, also released pictures of Go's attendance at the Senate hearing.

Before the hearing, Roque and Andanar granted interviews to several radio stations to defend Go from allegations that he has a special interest in the frigates project.

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