Incoming PDEA chief vows relentless anti-drug campaign

MANILA, Philippines - The incoming chief of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has vowed to enforce a relentless campaign against illegal drugs once he assumes office next month.

“We will not stop until every single sachet of shabu is wiped out, every drug pusher is arrested and every drug user is reformed,” Chief Supt. Aaron Aquino said in a text message to The STAR yesterday.

President Duterte announced on Monday that Aquino, director of the Central Luzon police office, would succeed PDEA chief Isidro Lapeña, who was appointed chief of the Bureau of Customs replacing Nicanor Faeldon.

Aquino – a member of the Philippine Military Academy Class 1985 – will assume the PDEA post as soon as he reaches the mandatory retirement age of 56 in the police service on Sept. 6.

Aquino said he is taking on the new challenge of heading PDEA, lead agency in the government’s war against illegal drugs.

“I am honored and humbled by the trust given to me by our President. I do not see the task to be difficult, rather a challenging one,” Aquino said.

He appealed to the public to continue supporting the anti-drug campaign of the government.

Aquino said he was surprised when Duterte announced his appointment, noting he did not expect it to be so soon.

Before becoming chief of the Central Luzon police last year, Aquino held several key positions in Davao City as well as in Southern Mindanao, especially when Duterte was city mayor for more than 23 years. 

“I am ready for the new job. It is also in line with my police work,” said Aquino, who has been responsible for raiding several major shabu laboratories in Central Luzon since last year. – With Edith Regalado

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