AFP denies monitoring Leni, Leila, Trillanes

MANILA, Philippines - The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) yesterday corrected reports that the military is monitoring political personalities, including Vice President Leni Robredo.

“We appeal to everyone to respect the apolitical stance of the AFP and ensure that we are free from political intrigues and distractions,” AFP spokesman Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla said.

“We serve and work for the interest of the people and our nation, not individuals. We also ensured free and honest elections that paved the way for a credible electoral process last year and fully respect the mandate of duly elected officials,” he added.

Padilla made the clarification in light of a report that the AFP is monitoring the movements of Robredo and opposition Senators  Leila de Lima and Antonio Trillanes IV.

The military is not meddling in politics, Padilla said.

He added that President Duterte has told the military that its loyalty should be to the flag and not to politicians.

“No less than the commander-in-chief has mentioned the need to respect and uphold the mandate of elected officials to allow them to do their work,” the AFP official said.

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