Department of Energy: Preps for May 9 elections almost done

MANILA, Philippines - Energy Secretary Zenaida Monsada assured the public preparations to ensure energy supply for the May 9 elections are near completion.

“We are nearing completion of preparations to ensure the readiness of the systems and power stakeholders who have roles to play during the election day,” Monsada said Tuesday.

Monsada also emphasized that the energy supply will be reliable to make sure that elections will be clean and credible.

The Power Task Force Election met with different power generators to discuss their work plans and commitments for the elections.

The task force also conducted simulation drills to check if all the systems were working at dedicated Task Force command centers across  the country. Staffs and personnel were also briefed by on what needs to be secured and monitored daily as election day approaches.

Different sectors and power firms have also participated in the government’s call to observe energy efficiency and conservation measures by minimizing the use of energy and by informing their consumers about efficient practices on how to conserve energy.

The Department of Energy earlier assured the public that the country will have continuous power supply leading up to the May 9 elections.

"The objective of the Department of Energy is to have a zero disruption one week before and one week after May 9. This is the ideal situation," Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said. - Vanessa Bernardo, intern

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