Poe calls for clean, fair race

Sen. Grace Poe is the second contender in the recent Social Weather Stations survey for the presidential race in the May 2016 elections. Facebook/Grace Poe

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Grace Poe, who might also run for president next year, is calling for a clean and fair campaign after President Aquino formally endorsed the bid of Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II yesterday at Club Filipino in San Juan.

If Poe runs, it will be a three-way derby among Vice President Jejomar Binay, Roxas and Poe in 2016.

“I wish him well,” Poe said of Roxas.

Although she has not officially announced her plans for next year, Poe is batting for a campaign based on fair play and clean debate on issues and proposed platform of government.

“I am hopeful that the 2016 election campaign will be one of open discussion of issues and proposed programs of government that will build on what President Aquino has started,” she said.

“This way, the Filipino people can arrive at a clear choice on Election Day,” said Poe, who faces a possible barrage of questions on her nationality and citizenship come campaign season.

Poe also assured Aquino that she continues to walk the straight and narrow that has been Malacañang’s battle cry for next year’s polls.

“I thank President Aquino for considering me among those who can continue his vision for daang matuwid. I see this as an acknowledgement of my efforts in our shared desire to improve the lives of all Filipinos,” she said. 

Poe was apparently referring to President Aquino’s statement at Club Filipino during the endorsement of Roxas’ bid that he talked to three possible contenders who could carry on the reforms under his daang matuwid platform.  

Roxas was eventually the President’s choice as his anointed one, who puts country first before self.

“I assure President Aquino that I will continue to walk the daang matuwid, because I believe it will be made more meaningful if more people continue the journey, wherever they may be and in whatever role they play,” Poe said when sought for her reaction on the Roxas endorsement.

Sen. Francis Escudero, in Sorsogon, said he recognized the difficulty that the President had to go through to finally choose Roxas as his presidential bet. 

LP senators united for Mar

Liberal Party senators Franklin Drilon, Ralph Recto, Bam Aquino and Teofisto Guingona III were present yesterday at the endorsement of Roxas’ presidential bid for next year.

“Mar has the best qualities of the other contenders,” Aquino said after the endorsement ceremonies in an event called “A Gathering of Friends” at the historic Corazon Aquino Kalaayan Hall of Club Filipino in Greenhills.

Sen. Aquino cited Roxas’ clean track record without any trace of corruption and the readiness and capacity to address the difficult issues of the country because of his experience in governance.

Recto also threw his support behind Roxas as the administration’s standard-bearer.

He said Roxas texted him on the eve of the endorsement, and sought the full support of the senator who could bring with him more than a million votes from the vote-rich Batangas province come election time.

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