CBCP: Pabasa can’t be replaced by Katy Perry

MANILA, Philippines - The Catholic Church yesterday urged the youth not to replace the “Pabasa ng Pasyon” (Reading of the Passion) with popular songs such as Katy Perry’s “Roar.”

An official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) reminded the youth to stick to the traditional way when reading the pabasa and not turn it into a form of entertainment as it narrates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Conegundo Garganta, executive secretary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth, said the traditional pabasa is a form of prayer.

“It would be good to remind the youth to follow the correct practice in doing the pabasa because we should also reflect on the tone and the rhythm. We should remember how our elders taught us,” he said.

He said the faithful should reflect on the words detailing the life of the Savior.

The Pabasa ng Pasyon is a Filipino tradition that usually starts on Holy Monday and ends on Good Friday morning. Some communities that conduct the ritual a week before Holy Week.

It is normally held in front of a makeshift altar, chapel, town plaza or at someone’s home.

People usually look forward to the Holy Week break to spend time with their families and friends.

But CBCP president and Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas advised the faithful to take time out to look for solitude and spend some time alone with God.

“The best place to go is your conscience because people nowadays are no longer in touch with their conscience,” Villegas said.

‘Pray before selfie’

Meanwhile, priests from the Lingayen-Dagupan archdiocese yesterday urged the faithful to pray first before taking “selfies” while doing Visita Iglesia.

Rev. Fr. Oliver Mendoza, rector of the Mary Help of Christians School of Theology in San Fabian, Dagupan, said people should realize that “Lent is a time to pray and reflect.”

He urged devotees to go to confession first before taking their pictures inside churches.

“If possible, I hope they would do it outside the church,” Rev. Fr. Mario Morales said.    –  With Eva Visperas


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