GMA to undergo more intensive physical therapy

MANILA, Philippines - Former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has to undergo more intensive physical therapy as the muscles holding her cervical spine have atrophied and the pain in her neck has worsened.

The 65-year-old Arroyo yesterday said in her Twitter account that she will have to undergo thrice a week physical therapy at the Veterans Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) and would have to wear her neck brace for longer periods.

She said she has been removing her soft collar neck brace for long periods when she was still under detention at the VMMC, as advised by her doctors to prevent her neck muscles from wasting away following a series of surgeries on her cervical spine in July and August last year.

“Now I’ve started to feel numb in the surgical area and shooting pain in the shoulder near the neck, not to mention the old chronic pain,” Arroyo tweeted.

She said she was advised to undergo “intensive physical therapy and longer periods with a neck brace” as she waits for second opinion and appropriate treatment for her condition.

“That has to be ‘therapied’ three times a week. So I’m back to longer periods with the neck brace,” the lawmaker said.

Arroyo said she has not been feeling well in recent weeks and was not able to attend a pictorial of members of the House of Representatives, so she just sent a copy of her picture to the secretariat.

Arroyo earlier said doctors have advised her not to strain her voice box until the dislodged titanium screws in her neck have been repaired.

The former leader underwent three surgeries where titanium screws were placed to relieve a pinched nerve and stabilize her neck bones. 

However, her doctors said the screws were dislodged and are progressively blocking her food and air ways.

They said the risky reconstructive surgery can only be done in modern medical facilities abroad, a claim that the Aquino administration has been disputing.

Arroyo’s lawyers, however, have yet to file a formal motion before the courts to seek permission to allow her to leave the country.

She was barred from leaving the country after she was charged with electoral sabotage before the Pasay Regional Trial Court, and graft before the Sandiganbayan on the botched national broadband network deal with China.

Her doctors said Arroyo is risking “sudden death” if her condition is not treated.

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