DENR pulls plug on Facebook

MANILA, Philippines - Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Ramon Paje has tightened the ban on a number of social networking websites, including Facebook and YouTube, by ordering a software audit of all desktop and laptop computers connected to the department’s central office Internet server.

Paje’s order, contained in Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2011-06, came after reports reached his office that many DENR employees were able to access the previously banned websites using international proxy servers to bypass firewalls installed by the DENR’s Management Information Systems division.

Through the memorandum circular, Paje also ordered the removal of proxy software.

Last April, Paje issued MC 2011-04 prohibiting the use of Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, Multiply, Meebo, Bebo and other social networking websites, as well as online and offline games, during office hours.

The ban, he said, is meant to “increase productivity in the workplace.”

“Anyone, regardless of employment status, caught using proxy software to access banned sites shall be subjected to Civil Service rules and regulations,” he said.

Paje also tasked Assistant Secretary for Internal Audit and Anti-Corruption Daniel Nicer to take action against employees caught violating his order.

Violation of administrative rules based on civil service laws is punishable by reprimand for the first offense, suspension for the second, and dismissal for third offense. 

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