MILF leader disappears from radar screen of military, police - officials

The notorious Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Commander Ameril Umbra Kato has totally disappeared from the radar screen of the military and the police, senior military and police commanders on Friday said.

But despite this, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro has ordered the military to comb the area and flush out Kato from his hiding place.

“The order of the President is very clear: That is to get Kato the soonest possible time,” Teodoro told 602nd Brigade commander Col. Alejandro Estomo and 601st Brigade Commander Col. Marlu Salazar during his visit at one of the MILF strongholds near Liguasan in Pikit, North Cotabato last Thursday.

There were unconfirmed reports that Kato died while nursing gunshot wounds that fractured both his thigh bones. Still another report claimed that Kato was crippled and could no longer lead his men.

Estomo’s Army unit has jurisdiction over North Cotabato while Salazar is based in Maguindanao – two areas considered as “Kato’s playground for his 105th Base Command.”

Eastern Mindanao Command (Eastmincom) Commander Maj. Gen. Armando Cunanan, challenged MILF Public Affairs chief Eid Kabalu to urge Kato to face the media to prove that he is still alive and not ill or disabled.

“There were reports that he was critically wounded and could no longer walk. Also, we are receiving reports he is gravely ill and is bedridden. Our other contacts on the ground claimed that Kato died while nursing a serious gunshot wound,” Cunanan said.

He said that the military as well as the police are still trying to establish the veracity of all these reports.

But what is clear, Cunanan noted, was that Kato has totally disappeared unlike last year when he was frequently monitored leading his men in major encounters with troops in North Cotabato and Maguindanao.

Kabalu simply dismissed the reports as plain propaganda saying that Kato is still alive and well.

A police officer based in North Cotabato, meanwhile, said that Kato is alive but crippled.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the police officer said metal braces have been attached to Kato’s shattered legs which were hit during an encounter in Maguindanao last month.

He added that this is the reason why Kato, a known fierce MILF combatant, is no longer seen leading his men in skirmishes with the Army troops for more than a month now.

On top of various of charges against Kato, the government has also put up a P20 million cash reward for him and the Lanao-based MILF’s 102nd Base Command head, Abdurahman Macapaar for their murderous rampage in North Cotabato and Lanao del Norte last August.

The two, along with 103rd MILF Base Command, Commander Alim Pangalian are now the subject of sustained military and police manhunt in Central Mindanao and in Lanao.

“We will not stop until we get them,” Teodoro said, while stressing that ongoing operations are selective and not aimed or directed towards other neutral MILF commanders and men. – Jaime Laude

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