‘Lacson an independent bet until...’

Opposition Sen. Panfilo Lacson will be deemed an independent candidate for president until the Commission on Elections (Comelec) settles the dispute within the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) party, House Minority Leader Carlos Padilla said the other night.

Padilla, whose faction nominated Lacson as LDP standard-bearer, insisted that Lacson will be the party’s official candidate although the group of LDP president Sen. Edgardo Angara has nominated movie actor Fernando Poe Jr. as the party’s presidential bet.

"Of course (Lacson) will run as the official candidate of the LDP because that is the mandate that we got from the overwhelming majority of the members of the party. However, he will be considered an independent meanwhile by the Comelec because of the controversy," Padilla told ABS-CBN News Channel’s "On Line" program late Wednesday.

Padilla made the remark after Angara asked the Comelec last week to recognize as official only the candidacies of LDP members whose certificates are certified by himself as party president or his authorized representative.

Angara made the appeal after LDP secretary general and Makati Rep. Agapito Aquino said he was set to endorse Lacson’s certificate of candidacy (CoC) with the Comelec under the aegis of the LDP, the country’s biggest opposition party.

Angara told the Comelec Aquino had no power to exercise his powers as party secretary general because he has been placed on "forced leave of absence."

"But in due time this will be resolved by the Comelec and we are confident it will be resolved in our favor," said Padilla.

But the Comelec has refused to adjudicate the party rift and told leaders of the opposition party to settle the controversy among themselves.

Padilla said their faction made the move after Poe declared on Monday that he will pursue his presidential bid, a move which the Lacson faction interpreted as an abandonment of the agreement that both Poe and Lacson would submit themselves to a selection process.

"Lacson was hoping the agreement would be respected. But we are feeling bad after learning that Poe’s candidacy will push through even as the second meeting has yet to take place between them," Padilla said.

Meanwhile, Padilla said he believes Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chairman Bayani Fernando is a "viable" running mate for Lacson because their "styles of leadership match."

Padilla noted that Lacson was able to instill discipline in the Philippine National Police (PNP) when he was still its chief, while Fernando has been known to be headstrong in his management of the MMDA.

He said what the country needs is the kind of "political will" that both Lacson and Fernando have in order to effect reforms in government. Ann Corvera

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