Pres. DU30 now Robin’s kumpare

Pres. DU30 as ninong to Maria Isabella (right, up close), daughter of Robin Padilla and Mariel Rodriguez, during the baby’s Catholic baptism at the San Miguel Church near Malacañang Palace. —Photos by Little People Photography and Metro Photo

Did you know that the baptism of Maria Isabella Padilla, the daughter of Robin Padilla and Mariel Rodriguez, had to be postponed twice to adjust to the tight schedule of Pres. DU30 who was a ninong at the event held at the San Miguel Church near Malacañang Palace last Nov. 23? (Isabella’s Christening gown was designed by Edwin Tan.)

Officially, Robin may now address Pres. DU30 (whom Robin supported during last year’s presidential election) as Kumpareng Digong while Isabella can call him Ninong Rody. But knowing how Robin respects authority, he will continue addressing him as Mr. President or Sir Rody.

At the exclusive lunch at the Malago Clubhouse at the PSG (Presidential Security Guard) Compound, Pres. DU30 sang a song for Robin who was celebrating his 48th birthday that day and, after the meal, he sang Ikaw which was the same song that, upon the request of US Pres. Donald Trump, Pres. DU30 sang along with Pilita Corrales at the ASEAN gala dinner. “You are the coolest Ninong Digong,” Mariel posted on her Instagram.

Robin is Muslim and Mariel is Catholic, so a day (Nov. 22) before the church ceremony, Isabella also had her Aqiqah (be patient enough to check on Google what it means).





“In Islam there is no compulsion,” added Mariel. “When Isabella is older, she can decide what her religion will be. As parents, it is our duty to teach our children how to respect ALL religions. It is also our responsibility to guide them but never to dictate to them. I know for sure that I will see to it that Isabella grows up knowing and believing that there is only one GOD.”

Five days (Nov. 18) before the Malacañang affair, Robin and Mariel hosted a first birthday party (styled by Mariel’s sister Kaye Garcia, featuring an Aprica booth) for Isabella at The Blue Leaf Events Pavilion in BGC (Bonifacio Global City). It was there where Robin’s daughter Kylie presented her son Alas Joaquin to the boy’s lolo. Robin lovingly hugged the boy before he posed for a “family” picture.

Here are excerpts from Funfare’s exclusive interview with Mariel:

How has your mothering experience been so far?

“So far, it has been the most challenging, with the most time consuming probably the hardest but also the most rewarding and most humbling because every day with Isabella is a different day. Every day, you learn something new; it isn’t like you already know what to do. I am really a newbie.”

How does Robin help in taking care of your kid; what are you learning from him (changing diapers, warming feeding bottles, etc.)?

“Robin is playful. He always allows Isabella to explore her surroundings. Isabella is very curious and Robin feeds her curiosity. Of course, it is a given that Robin is the provider of our family and he provides Isabella well. He is also the one who encourages Isabella to walk. Her first few steps (with support) was with Robin.”

Are you raising your kid the way you and Robin were raised by your parents; are you spare-the-rod kind of parents?

“No, I am more hands-on than my parents were, hehehe!!!”

Wish for Isabella on her first birthday?

“I wish that she would be a healthy, happy, kind, and loving baby girl.”

(E-mail reactions at For more updates, photos and videos, visit or follow me on Instagram @therealrickylo.)

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