Carnival Queens, accomplished women

Trinidad de Leon (1920), Virginia Llamas (1922), Trinidad Fernandez (1924)

Remember When? takes a nostalgic look at three Carnival Queens of yore: Trinidad de Leon (1920), Virginia Llamas (1922) and Trinidad Fernandez (1924).

Aside from beauty and brains, coming from buena familia, all three were also accomplished women. They were educated in the best schools in the country.

De Leon of Bulacan married a brilliant lawyer from Capiz who later became Philippine President, Manuel Roxas. As first lady, Mrs. Roxas was involved in civic, social and charitable activities. Her son, Gerry, served as senator. A grandson, Mar, also became a senator and presidential candidate of the Liberal Party in the last elections.

Llamas of Laguna, daughter of the provincial governor, married her escort during her coronation night as Carnival Queen, Carlos P. Romulo. Mrs. Romulo charmed foreign dignitaries and ordinary people alike when she stood at the side of her husband who served as secretary general of the United Nations’ General Assembly, ambassador to the United States and secretary of foreign affairs.

Fernandez of Palawan married Benito Legarda, patriot and nationalist. Mrs. Legarda was the first woman ambassador of the country, assigned in Vietnam. Cambodia and Laos. Her son Benito Jr. is an economist and a historian. The brilliant lady lawyer, Katrina Legarda, is a granddaughter.

In future columns, Remember When? will feature other Carnival Queens and Misses Philippines. — RKC

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