Why Ruffa Gutierrez won't pose sexy for men's magazines

Ruffa Gutierrez would rather pose sexy for a fashion magazine rather than a sexy magazine, which she says is also to respect her two daughters. Philstar.com/ Joyce Jimenez

MANILA, Philippines – Ruffa Gutierrez has turned down several offers to pose sexy for a men’s magazine.

“I feel like I don’t need it anymore,” she explained in a recent interview. “Parang nalagpasan ko na ang panahon na ‘yon, ano pa ba ipapakita ko? Parang ayaw ko na.”

She added that her daughters may not be happy to see her posing sexy in a men’s magazine.

“Siguro if I pose sexy for a magazine, it has to be a fashion magazine and not a men’s magazine,” she said. “Kasi iba ang connotation kapag men’s magazine, e, kaysa kapag fashion. So kung medyo masipag ako, mag-workout ako ng bongga, at mag-bikini ako, it’ll be for a fashion magazine.”

At her age of 41, Ruffa is looked up to by fans because of her ageless beauty. No wonder she has been endorsing beauty product Cosmo Skin for years now.

Aside from starting to take care of herself at a young age, Ruffa had to do some changes in her lifestyle in order to maintain her youthful look. 

“I try to workout as much as I can,” she replied when asked about her beauty secrets. “I take organic and natural products ngayon. Once I start going back to the synthetic-made products nakikita kong nagkakasakit ako, nagpa-palpitate ako.”

Despite being meticulous in taking care of herself, Ruffa is not afraid to lose her beauty. She’s more worried of not being able to provide for the needs of her daughters.

“Kasi I’m very blessed to be able to provide for my children with the best life. But I’m always worried na hanggang kailan?” she said. “I’m always worried na I should have a backup plan, kasi wala naman akong ibang inaasahan.”

“I want to be able to provide for my kids hanggang sa pagtanda ko. Gusto ko I’ll make sure na kahit mawala ako puwede pa rin silang mabuhay ng komportable,” she concluded.

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