Andrea, Raikko in Wansapanataym

MANILA, Philippines - Child stars Andrea Brillantes and Raikko Mateo  (photo) will join forces in teaching families different life lessons as their Wansapanataym special titled My Guardian Angel begins tonight at 6:45.

From Andrea and Raikko’s remarkable performances in Annaliza and Honesto, respectively, the two will portray the characters of a young girl named Ylia (Andrea) and guardian angel Kiko (Raikko).

Because of her parents’ lack of attention to her, Ylia is ready to prove herself and do everything to feel the love of her family. Unknown to her, her guardian angel Kiko has been right beside her all along to help her achieve her goals.

How will Ylia’s life change when she gets to meet and discovers Kiko’s real personality? Will she finally get the attention and love that she has been looking for with his help?

Wansapanataym airs Saturdays after Bet On Your Baby on ABS-CBN.

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