‘Vhong Navarro to remain a viable endorser despite scandal’

MANILA, Philippines - Comedian Vhong Navarro would remain a viable product endorser despite the scandal plaguing him, but his public image might take a beating if his handlers fail to manage the issues properly, experts said.

Known for portraying wholesome and superhero roles, Navarro made headlines last month after he was beaten up by friends of model Denice Cornejo, who accused him of rape.

He is now facing not just a rape case but also public scrutiny because of the extensive media coverage of the controversy and the countless online posts that spawned heated exchanges and even cyber bullying.

Before the mauling incident, Navarro endorsed soft drinks brands, a food seasoning, jeans and even an ice cream brand that targeted children who are fond of birthday parties.

Advertising and marketing practitioners, however, believe it’s not yet the end of Navarro’s career as an endorser.

“It depends on how good his people are, but certainly, Navarro will still bag some endorsements. Advertisers are so witty that they can use this bad situation in promoting a brand,” said Jose Cris Sotto, operations manager at iConcept Global Advertising.

“This [issue] should not affect him (Navarro) very significantly. Given that he's well-loved by a lot of people and the management, he will be back on his feet very soon. However, we cannot expect all people to think alike.”

Sotto explained that while a band owner would not want to associate his brand with any controversy, the advertising world seemed to have changed.

“We have observed several brands that have benefited, although not in the good way, from the controversies being attached to their endorsers,” he said. 

“Advertising medium and the people behind it are so powerful that they can turn a not-so-good image into something that's positive. Now that's part of public relations.”

Mark Angelo Mangubat, writer for internet marketing firm PMA Desk, has a similar view.

“These companies would use the attention that Vhong acquired through this mauling incident,” Mangubat said.

“It’s a good marketing strategy to get a noticeable personality for a marketing campaign because people love to see Vhong Navarro’s progress, meaning, they wanted to see him get back in action.”

The underdog

Christopher Cruz, operations officer of Media Puzzle Inc., believes Navarro can bounce back because he is being perceived as the victim.

“Ang Pinoy, kung sinong argabyado, doon kakampi (Filipinos always support the underdog). Because of the support of his colleagues at (ABS-CBN noontime show (It’s Showtime), he can still get the support of the public,” Cruz said.

“It depends on his existing network. As long as he is still in 'Showtime' and remains active in ABS-CBN, there will be companies who will tap him [as endorser],” he added.

Mangubat thinks Navarro would be getting “more endorsements than usual” soon as he appeared to be the fall guy in the mauling incident.

Cruz, meanwhile, believes the controversy will fade away in a month.

“Filipinos can forget easily so he can recover. If they forgot what Ann Curtis did in the bar how much more Vhong who is viewed as the aggrieved party?” he said in Filipino.

Sotto, however, said some endorsers may distance themselves from the actor if the issue goes out of hand.

“Some of them might pull out their endorsements if his managers and PRs (public relations managers) don't perform good,” Sotto said. 

“Our favorite celebrities look good in the eyes of the public because of the help of their handlers,” he added.

Cruz said Navarro may no longer be an effective endorser for products that target families because he cheated on his girlfriend.

“But I think there will be no pull-out for the rest of the endorsements,” he added.

‘Wait and see’

While the issue is not expected to spell doom for Navarro’s career as endorser, those who made him the face of their brand will likely play it safe as they monitor the developments of his case.

“[Companies] would be on a ‘wait and see’ status. A lot of companies would like to play it safe. But then again, if the companies would base it through the public opinion, then pulling out is not in the vocabulary,” Rommel Navarro, a former advertising instructor and now a multimedia head of a maritime training center, said.

“It depends on how the trial and investigations would go. If we base it on the public’s view, it is very apparent that the sentiments are on Vhong’s side.”

Navarro thinks the comedian will remain a credible product endorser because the scandal “is not about his acting prowess and endorsement credibility.”

Will you still trust him?

Consumers have mixed views on the impact of the incident on Navarro’s image.

Jeepney driver Bernard Gagarin said he would continue to trust Navarro as an endorser and finds Cornejo’s claims “impossible.”

Israel Carlos, a senior criminology student, noted that Navarro has the right to remain innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

“As long as there is no final judgment if he’s guilty or not, I will trust him,” he said.

Princess Clea Acellaz, a journalism student from Centro Escolar University Malolos, said she still believes in Navarro but his image as a happy guy has been affected by his recent interviews.

Some are raising doubts on Navarro’s credibility following his admission that he was unfaithful to his partner.

“I think, it’s 50-50. We all know that he (Navarro) has a girlfriend yet he messed around,” Jocelyn Evangelista, a resident of Bulacan, said.

Zenaida Sumagui, 38, said the comedian does not deserve to be trusted because “he does not know how to respect a girl.”

Some experts believe that in the end, the controversy that hounded Navarro will be about messaging and gaining a positive public perception.

“In the eyes of a gullible spectator, Navarro is and will remain a man of integrity,” Sotto said.

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