Shamcey in fighting form

Shamcey Supsup was an early favorite in the Bb. Pilipinas pageant. Her striking looks and impressive educational background was a combination that was hard to beat.

A true example of beauty and brains, Shamcey did not let her supporters down. She was cool, calm and confident during pageant night, bagging special prizes and ultimately the title Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011.

The first time I saw Shamcey, the first thought that came to my mind was “mabait na tao.” Her demeanor underlines this fact. And at an age when most girls would be maximizing their independence, Shamcey continues to have her mother close and always by her side. This, I believe, speaks well of this lady, who continues to respect and trust the wisdom of her mother.

Most of the work I have done with Shamcey involves training her for the forthcoming Miss Universe pageant. She is very hardworking. She is the perfect combination of intelligence and effort.

Every task, be it big or small, equally gets a 100 percent effort from her. It is no wonder how she managed to graduate with honors, top the board exam and win a beauty title. With so many achievements already under her belt at such a young age, I can only imagine how many more accomplishments will come.

That’s me with Shamcey Supsup during last year’s Bb. Pilipinas pageant wherein I turned over to her my crown

Despite her natural talents and capabilities, Shamcey is the last person to go lax. She is a teacher’s dream because everything you teach her, she takes it to heart and works on it. And it is this unique brand of determination that really made a lasting impression on me. She was already beautiful when she won the pageant, but she is even more beautiful now.

We hardly come across anyone people can look up to nowadays. And Shamcey arrived at the right time, proving that grace, intelligence and beauty are qualities still very much present today.

She was raised exceptionally well by her mother. And now that she finds herself in the public eye, everything she does with good intention will be received well by people and serve as an inspiration.

I hope she also keeps in mind that everything she does should be for the Lord. I am sure that the people who supported me before will also give their wholehearted support to Shamcey because she deserves it.

I also hope that the support for Shamcey grows even stronger in the days leading up to the pageant. This year’s pageant will award a slot to the candidate who garners the highest average vote online.

2010 Miss Universe Ximena Navarette (center) with Miss China, Shamcey, Miss Venezuela and Miss Brazil at the Operation Smile event

We can all show our support for Shamcey. To vote for Shamcey, log on to and click the CONTESTANTS page. Under “Philippines-Shamcey Supsup,” click on “Vote.” Complete the form and give Miss Philippines a “10” ranking, then click on “Submit vote for Philippines.”  

This campaign will run for a limited time only so I hope we can all make time for this and take a break from our Facebook-ing and Tweet-ing and lend support to our country’s representative to this year’s Miss Universe pageant.

Mabuhay ang Pilipino!

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