Mark matures as a character actor

MANILA, Philippines - GMA Artist Center is home to stars and actors. By this it means that the talent house is raising acting potentials whose careers are bound to go the distance.

One such act is Mark Acueza who after his stint in Trudis Liit last year has taken a more mature and serious character in the ongoing Sisid TV series. Playing the role of Sam Zaragoza (younger brother of Siegfried played by Dominic Roco), Mark is quickly getting the attention of the critics with his fine portrayal as a nerd. He is actually describing his role as “dark and challenging, a geek but with some sense of sensuality.”

When asked to elaborate more on his role, he shared, “This is my first time to play a geek role and I had to watch the late Christopher Reeves’ take on Clark Kent as basis. It’s a new challenge for me and this is the closest yet to what I can say as really serious acting.”

Mark’s Sisid stint has only shown the tip of the iceberg as his character is set to transform into someone hip. Along with that change is the arrival of a love interest that should only make Sam all the more interesting in the eyes of Kapuso viewers.

For more than a year as GMAAC talent, Mark expressed having found home as he develops as an actor under the tutelage of the management group. His dream role is to play a guy with an identity crisis, safe- saying a psychotic character which he believes will test his role preparation routines to the hilt.

“I want my acting to be seen as natural and believable. This is my goal as an actor,” he pointed out.

Character actors are survivors as most of them still find worthy projects even after they have reached their peak, like veteran act Joel Torre who Mark looks up to. Well, he himself has proven to be a survivor especially after suffering an accident that broke his left arm and practically shattered his dream to become a basketball professional.

No problem. Mark is back playing. And he is not confined to being a point guard. As an actor, he has become versatile and a team player, contributing well to Sisid topbilled by Jackie Rice, JC Tiuseco and Dominic.

He has even recovered totally from the accident that befell him 10 years ago. He’s back to his real self, athletically engaged, jogging four times a week, playing outdoor games including basketball.

Mark Acueza shoots and scores, maybe not in a professional hard court, but definitely on and off cam as a certified actor. 

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