Austin Stevens' wildlife adventures

MANILA, Philippines - Austin Stevens (photo) (a.k.a. Snakemaster) has been known to brave seedy bat caves, alligator-infested swamps and pounding waterfalls for the perfect photo. This month on Animal Planet, the wildlife photographer is gearing up for some of his most challenging adventures to date. His quest to photograph the world’s most secretive and dangerous animals takes him around the globe and through the toughest terrain on the planet. Follow Austin as he makes his perilous trips around the world to find and capture — on camera — the world’s rarest and most deadly animals. Austin Stevens’ Adventures premieres Thursday nights at 9 starting Nov. 12 with encores Mondays at 5 a.m., Thursdays, 3 p.m., Fridays, 2 a.m. and Sundays, 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.

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