Running in Heels on Velvet

MANILA, Philippines - Three determined yet amusing interns are heading your way via the new TV series Running in Heels as it premieres on Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m. on Velvet.

The unscripted series is the most fashionable reality show that follows three interns, Ashley Gosik, Samantha DeZur and Talita Silva, who work at the renowned and notorious New York fashion magazine, Marie Claire.

Hosted by Nina Garcia, one of the judges of the reality series Project Runway and former creative director of Elle Magazine, Running in Heels shows the girls getting different tasks and challenges. What they find behind the glossy pages is a fast-paced world of grueling work that keeps them, literally, running in heels.

Meet Ashley, a self-proctaimed over-achiever from Washington D.C. determined to prove that she can outperform other interns. Fashionista Talita from Los Angeles considers herself street-smart but drops the ball on her first assignment. And then there’s small town girl Samantha from Wisconsin who has never set foot in the Big Apple and is new to the fashion world, but wants real-world experience working for a major media outlet.

Who will be the first to give up and transform from being a simple intern to a certified beauty magazine employee?

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