Traveling with Drew

He is perhaps one of the best young hosts on television. With a degree in Marketing Management from the De La Salle University, he first worked as an account executive in an advertising agency. He was the boyfriend of “Pare” in that shampoo commercial. He is also the son of lawyer, radio commentator, philanthropist, Aga Arellano. Drew is articulate and refreshing on GMA 7’s Unang Hirit. He shows his adventurous side on Q-11’s Balik-bayan. You wake up and travel with him around the country. He makes you laugh but beware, he can also make you fall in love. Read on.

1. What talent would you like to have that you don’t have?


2. If you have the power to solve all the problems in the country, what will you solve first?

Poverty. I think most problems start from it.

3. Brains or beauty?

Definitely brains! Thank you, cosmetic surgery!

4. How do you spoil yourself?

I will have an enjoyable day for triathlon training and beer afterwards.

5. What was your pet name when you were young?


6. Will you spy on your partner?

It depends. If I feel there’s something to spy on then yes.

7. The most challenging episode in your life so far?

 My first break-up.

8. How do you deal with intrigues?

I am not that popular yet to have intrigues. Hahaha!

9. The best thing said about you? The worst?

Best: It’s not the length but the strength! Worst: It’s not the length but the strength!

10. Who is the person who makes you laugh?

Vhong Navarro.

11. What is your favorite expression?


12. If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Why?

Lastikman. Elasticity can do wonders.

13. If you were to be born again with a Siamese twin, who would be your twin? Why?

Myself. I love myself. You have to love yourself before loving other people! Hahaha!

14. If you were to come back as a person or thing, what would you be? Why?

I’d still be myself. I love my life.

15. How do you handle fame?

I will think about it when fame comes to my life.

16. If you had a third eye, where would it be located?

I already have a third eye and it’s located opposite my buttocks.

17. Favorite part of your body?


18. What name would you have given yourself?


19. How will you describe your first kiss?


20. What is your greatest fear?

Death in the family.

21. Electric chair or life imprisonment?

Electric chair.

22. Which part of your body would you rather not have?

Love handles. Name is so ironic.

23. If you were a kind of food, what would you be?

Chocolate. Sweet and connected to sex.

24. The most expensive item you bought for yourself?


25. The best place on earth?

Where my family is.

26. If you win the lotto, the first thing you would buy?


27. The best decision you have made? The worst?

Best: To start doing triathlons. Worst: To get married with the wrong person. Good thing it didn’t push through.

28. Given the opportunity to come face to face with God, what question would you ask him?

How did I do?

29. If you go to hell who do you want to be with you?

The waiter serving ice cold beer at this bar I go to. Hopefully, he can bring with him the freezer with beer in it.

30. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

The left.

31. If you have wings, where would you go?

To the sky and race birds.

32. The best public servant this country ever had?

I have no idea.

33. Where are you now? Heaven, hell, limbo?

Must be heaven, because life has been so good.

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