Iberet Active powers up team David's Salon

MANILA, Philippines - David Charlton of David’s Salon gathered a select group of young female professionals from different companies and industries and formed a triathlon team that would bear David’s Salon’s colors. The girls have all been, either former athletes from the Philippine Team or health and exercise enthusiasts that maintain physically active lifestyles.

Kaye Lopez, Joyette Jopson, Popo Remigio, Analiza Dysangco, Nina Dacanay, Arlene Buenviaje, Christine Navarro, Carmela Serina and Marita Lucas are the nine members of the team that continues to gain increasing popularity. They have been together for more than a year now and have easily bonded with each other.

“Being on the team is not only about training and competing, it is also about supporting each other as friends,” shares Kaye, the team captain.

The girls train everyday, early in the morning and on weekends. “Training is very important, you have to train regularly to keep your body in good condition,” says Kaye. “Iberet Active, the multivitamins that we take everyday, helps us a great deal during training especially because after training, we go to work and proceed with our everyday lives.” This is what makes the girls truly remarkable: They train, they race, they work, they fulfill duties at home and they are able to pull it off so well, enjoying a perfectly balanced life.

“When I miss training before going to work, my body feels less energized, sometimes even sluggish, but when I come from training and go to work, I feel different.” Arlene tells us. “Training and Iberet Active has become an indispensable part of my routine.”

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