Gardo: Home Alone

Gardo Versoza lives alone. He does everything in the house from cooking his food to washing his clothes. He is awake by 5 a.m. when most movie stars are just about to retire. He also remains devoted to his mother.

Jean Garcia is one of the most beautiful women in the business – inside and out. Feisty, driven – she loves life with a passion. Despite the public nature of her job – she remains essentially private. She doesn’t go around television talk shows to promote her love life or her new nail polish. She rarely grants interviews and when she does, it’s always for a good reason. Jean is also a doting mom.

I’m looking forward to the teleserye she is supposed to do with another woman I admire, Eula Valdez.

Truth to tell, there was a time I surreptitiously left a meeting just to catch Pangako Sa Iyo where Madame Klaudia and Amor were clawing each other in the face. Madame Klaudia and Amor Powers would unwittingly ease Metro Manila’s horrendous traffic as most everyone would be watching them on television.

Well, reliable sources in ABS-CBN say that the two will be back on teleserye land with vengeance!

Eula has gotten married and now has a healthy baby.

Jean and Gardo are in love.

They met during their Seiko days and they became friends. They would bump into each other but no sparks would fly because they had their own partners. Until they worked together again in the soap opera It Might Be You. Gardo would look forward to the scenes they would do together which took quite a while as many of their scenes had them in different times and locations.

But love finds its way. Gardo and Jean re-discovered each other and fell in love.

Both hope that this is it. So they’re not making big promises, just giving each other a lot of love. And when the time comes for them to kneel in the altar of God to promise to live together for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health – till death do they part – they would know and they would do it.

Meanwhile, they’re happy and truly in love.

We’re happy for Jean and Gardo!

On higher level

Ascension is the act or process of rising to a higher level or degree.

For the husband and wife team of Bianca and Ryan, the duo popularly known as Ascension, they believe that God has taken them to a higher level of their musical journey.

Veering away from performing cover songs, they have been given the opportunity to create their own music with the release of their self-titled debut album under Harmony Music, the OPM label of Alpha Music Corp.

The album contains nine original tracks and one revival. Songs like Take Some Time, Let You Go and Like The Way suggest a laid-back, soft funk. Turn It Up is a song that lets off a hip-hop feel with Bianca’s unique style of rapping. Wait For Me and Unchoose are spiced up with a dominant play of acoustic guitar to surround the melody. Let You Go encourages the listeners not to inhibit themselves from experiencing real joy that comes from within. By My Side is a song written by Bianca for her partner in just about everything – Ryan. The album also includes one cover song, Lean On Me, a popular hit back in the ’80s by Club Nouveau, which Ascension brings back with a different flavor.

The album is now available in high grade cassettes and CDs at all Alpha outlets nationwide.

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