Balangiga project: Clash of titans


• Lav Diaz’s Batang West Side bagged the Best Picture award at the just-concluded Singapore International Film Festival.

• Korina Sanchez just came back from New York where she brought her ailing mother, former singer Celia Sanchez. Before Korina left two weeks ago, I got a text message from Rio Diaz-Cojuangco, now in San Francisco for more chemotherapy, asking me to request Funfare readers to pray for the recovery of Korina’s mom.

• Vince Hizon and Toni Leviste broke up last year after going steady for seven years. Could it be true that Vince’s new girlfriend is Regine Tolentino, who broke up with husband Lander Vera-Perez late last year?
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Two groups are now in the final stage of preparing for the principal photography of two movies on the same subject: The Balangiga massacre in Samar during the American Occupation. (Remember the three historic Balangiga bells brought abroad by the Americans, one to Korea and two to Wyoming, USA?)

One group has Gil M. Portes as director and Butch Dalisay as scriptwriter while the other group has Samareño Chito Roño as director (no wonder Chito has such sentimental attachment to the material) and Pete Lacaba as scriptwriter. Both groups have already done extensive research in Samar (also my home province and that of, among others, Boy Abunda and Aster Amoyo).

Both projects are being produced by independent companies (known as "indies" in Hollywood). I don’t know who Chito’s producer is but I know that Gil’s producer is an American who has already allocated P50 million ($1 million) for the movie which covers such a scope that that budget might not be enough as shooting progresses. Can you imagine, for example, how much it would cost to reenact the American Occupation with, among other requirements, thousands of Americans to be outfitted in World War I uniforms? Parts of the two movies will probably be shot right in Samar for the sake of realism.

Somebody told Funfare that Chito is eyeing Robin Padilla as his main actor while Gil is seriously considering Bong Revilla to topbill his movie – that is, if Bong will do it on a "friendly" budget. (If you ask me, Bong should because it might turn out to be one of his important starrers.) Years ago, Joey Gosiengfiao actually already did a movie (for Sine Pilipino) on the subject, entitled Sunugin ang Samar, with Bong’s father, Sen. Ramon Revilla (now in San Francisco for another operation on his spinal column) and Aurora Pijuan (then fresh from her victory as Miss International) as stars.

Any way you look at it, the two Balangiga movies constitute a battle – a clash? – of titans in the industry, with two big directors, two big scriptwriters and two big action stars. It’s interesting to find out which of the two will make a true and real "masterpiece" of the historic Balangiga incident or which of them will do the Samar town a "disservice" by "massacre-ing" that part of Philippine history with a, knock on wood, poorly-made movie.

Incidentally, it’s not the first time that two groups are scrambling over each other for the same material. There have been several such cases in the past, including such topics as the Elsa Castillo story (about the woman cut to pieces), by OctoArts Films (with Kris Aquino, directed by Laurice Guillen) and by FLT Films (with Lorna Tolentino, directed by Boy Vinarao); Ang Babaing Pinagtaksilan ng Panahon, one by the late Leroy Salvador (starring Rio Locsin) and the other by Celso Ad. Castillo (with Cecille Castillo); and the over-done Rizal story, with three recent redoings by Marilou Diaz-Abaya (with Cesar Montano), Mike de Leon (with Joel Torre) and Tikoy Aguiluz (with Albert Martinez).
Story of another Bangkang Papel
When Malacañang floated last year that "very moving" Bangkang Papel story, there was strong mixed reaction from opposite sides. Did the Malacañang image sink with the bangkang papel? I don’t even remember now.

Don’t look now but another Bangkang Papel story is forthcoming. But before this story suffers the sad fate of the first one, Funfare is printing in full an explanatory letter from Quezon City Councilor Anthony Castelo, chairman of the Dakilang Lahi Foundation, Inc. Here’s Anthony’s story:

In the light of recent news reports in the print, radio and television media on the Bangkang Papel CD, the initial project of our newly-formed Dakilang Lahi Foundation, Inc., may we request for your kind assistance in our effort to clarify some questions that may have come up among the public since its launching last April 12.

We wish to inform our people that the Bangkang Papel CD is not a "gimmick" and neither is it intended as a "propaganda" album for the administration as stated in some of our media outlets.

The title cut Ako, ang Bangkang Papel at si Ate Glo, performed by PhilKids from the Center for Pop Music Philippines, is an inspirational song and was written mainly for the benefit of children. It hopes to help encourage Filipino children of today to pursue their ambitions in life, in spite of hard realities such as poverty and society’s other ills and for them to pray and work hard to achieve these dreams and goals.

The song is also intended for us. It is calling on society as a whole, including government, herein portrayed by "Ate Glo," (President Arroyo), its highest official, to help them fulfill these dreams and ambitions and reminding it of its responsibility and commitment to this generation of Filipinos of a bright future.

The song is also a call for national unity, which we believe is the paramount dream of every Filipino today, young and old alike.

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the media who believe in our objectives.

We are a group of artists and creative people who wish to make a difference. We were inspired by the dreams of the Payatas children and President Arroyo’s vision of unity and cooperation among our people during her first State-of-the-Nation Address. After EDSA I and EDSA II, the economic crisis, the perennial factionalism in our society, etc., our group felt that it was really time for us Filipinos to ONCE AND FOR ALL join hands and put country first.

The Philippines has become like a frail paper boat in the water that could hardly stay afloat. But together, we can turn this paper boat into a SHIP made of steel, a strong FILIPINO SHIP that can cross the oceans of the world!... handcrafted by a proud and great people who, throughout history, have withstood enormous obstacles and challenges.

And to us, this is the "Bangkang Papel" challenge.

We are a small group with big ambitions for our country. We formed ourselves into a non-profit foundation with our own limited resources and are hoping for the support of private institutions and companies for grants, endowments, as well as advertisements.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

With your support, we are hopeful that the song Bangkang Papel will attain its objectives.

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