Tabal, Mwiti dominate Timex Run

CEBU, Philippines - Cebuana running star Mary Joy Tabal and Kenyan Douglas Mwiti stole the show in yesterday's Timex Run-Cebu 2012 starting at the Cebu Normal University (CNU) grounds and ending at the Cebu City Sports Center.

Tabal ruled the 16K women's open category with the time of one hour, five minutes and 55 seconds.

Joeyry Lee timed 1:13:29 to settle for second place, while triathlete Amale Mendezona-Jopson wound up third in 1:21:16.

Mwiti lorded it over in the men's division with the best time of 54 minutes and 50 seconds. Robert Daang placed second in 57:37 followed by JP Zapico in 59:45.

The Kenyans scored another sweep, with Abraham Missos topping the men's 10K action in 34 minutes and five seconds.

Mendel Lopez took the second spot in 34 minutes and 57 seconds, while Riez Enriquez was third in 35:11.

Mary Grace de los Santos grabbed part of the spotlight after reigning supreme in the women's 10K in 39 minutes and 52 seconds.

Lovely Fe Andrin landed at second in 42:27, while Kisha Mae Delechos ended up third in 44:51.

The top three finishers in the men's 5K were Joebert Carolino (17 mins.), Jorry Ycong (17:02) and John Daryl Maros (17:04), while the distaff had Cherry Andrin (20:52), Aiza Suaybaguio (21:20) and Jhoan Andrin (22:10).  (FREEMAN)

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