Adlawan sizzles in Rama motocross

CEBU, Philippines - Jon-Jon Adlawan grabbed a pair of championship crowns in the 1st Mayor Mike Rama Motocross Cup last Sunday at the South Road Properties.

Adlawan of PowerSports Racing topped the pro open and pro elite division over teammate Jubenile Abellar, while the ever daring John Flores landed third in both categories.

Flores, however, did not go home without a champion's trophy as he dominated the intermediate class at the expense of Adlawan’s buddy Ian Reyes. Cyril Tariman wound up third.

Like Adlawan, Dongkey Sanchez and Keiz BJ Motors big boss Seigfred Ornopia also claimed two titles each.

Sanchez ruled the open enduro and local enduro, with JC Obligado and Alex Abalo placing second and third in both classes.

Sanchez also had a third place finish under the novice open production won by Jougee Basco followed by Pepeng Mar.

Ornopia, for his part, won the veterans A and B battle.                 

Ornopia was doubly happy as his children Ken and Bryle also stamped their respective classes. Ken dominated the peewee action over BJ Pepito and Froilan Mendaros, while Bryle bested JP Cuesta and Denmark Supatan for the mini division title.

The rest of the winners were Butch Flores (executive C), James Matol (beginners open) and Kent Limpag (underbone). (FREEMAN)

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