Running/biking to work/school

With the prices of fuel already sky high and the cost of maintaining our vehicles becoming expensive, running and biking would soon be something we will do out of need not because of our desire to become healthier.

Well, there was a miniscule decrease in the price of diesel, but then nobody really felt it and after this small backward movement, we expect the fuel companies to raise pump prices in the coming weeks.

I don’t intend to explain how the fuel companies price their products, so let me stick to the sporty stuff we can do to cope with the situation.

We now have more people running and biking and we probably don’t need to cite statistics in the increase in the sales of running shoes and bikes to prove that. All we need to do is look around our communities and see the growing number of people who are sweating it out on two feet or two wheels.

There are companies that already provide parking areas for bicycles in their compounds. Maybe other firms and also schools can do the same.

Promoting biking to work and school would help save money and promote physical fitness.

We just need to put in place some measures to make our roads safe for the bikers and to deter bike theft.

I’ve come across many complaints from motorists about bikers, who weave through traffic without regard for their personal safety.

Something has to be done about this too. Maybe our brilliant minds in the city and town councils and the provincial board as well as the House of Representatives can think of something.

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The distribution of singlets for those who have registered for this Sunday’s Run UP High started yesterday at the faculty room of the University of the Philippines Cebu High School.

Registration for the event is still ongoing with entry fees pegged at P200 for the 3-K, P250 for the 6-K, and P300 for the 12-K runs.

There is also a Barkada Run, which will have four people tied to each other as they negotiate the 3-K distance from the UP Cebu campus to the area in front of JY Square and back.

Registration for the Barkada Run is P200 per runner.

This is a project of the UP Cebu High School Alumni Association. The event, however, is open to everyone.

By the way, only the first 1,000 registrants will get singlets, so better sign up as soon as possible even if you only intend to walk the route, just take pictures, or simply enjoy being there and looking like you’re running.

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MILESTONES: Belated birthday greetings to those who turned a year older last Monday like my long-time buddy Lorenzo Sebastian ‘Lord’ Seno, CEVA president Antonino ‘Jun’ San Juan, Jr., Rommel Ocampo, and The Freeman’s Gregg Rubio.

The same goes to Madame Caludith Baldago, who celebrated yesterday.

Today’s greetings go to my high school buddy Dominic Chan, as well as to our fellow UP high alumni like Fastball’s Jesse Bernad, James Arnold Abines, Tinago Councilman Joel Garganera, and Jaybee Cometa. The same goes to Elro de los Reyes, Sheryl Osmeña-Borromeo, and Lynn Pepito-Moro.

More power to all of you!

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